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Contribution to the 2014/2015 Sectoral Debate by Attorney General, the Hon. Patrick Atkinson


Attorney General, Hon. Patrick Atkinson in parliament. (FILE)

Mr. Speaker this afternoon before I commence my contribution to this year’s sectoral debate I wish to give honour to God for His Grace in allowing us to meet in this Honourable House at this time.  Whenever we take our seats as members of Parliament we really are standing on the shoulders of the Jamaican people who elected us and they and all of us are really supported by the Grace of God.  To the Almighty we give the Glory.

My life like that of everyone else’s is subject to the many twists and turns and vagaries which living in this world brings and like everyone else I have always needed and continue to need constant and consistent support in my life because even in good times life is never always easy.  Mr Speaker,  my wife of over 40 years Beverly is in the gallery of this Honourable House today and I wish to thank her because she has always been my constant support, my place of safety and my refuge when the storms of life blow.

Mr. Speaker the Prime Minister of Jamaica the Most Honourable Portia Simpson Miller bestowed significant trust and much honour upon me when she advised His Excellency the Governor General of Jamaica to appoint me Attorney-General of Jamaica thereby making me the Principal Legal Advisor to the Government of Jamaica pursuant to section 79 of the Constitution of Jamaica.  Through you Mr. Speaker I wish to thank the Prime Minister.

The voice of my colleague the Honourable Senator A.J. Nicholson, Q.C still resonates in my head when at the first Cabinet Meeting I attended he said to me,  “you will never work as hard in your life as you will as Attorney General” , and he was right.  However what Senator Nicholson omitted to tell me was that at the end of the day there is a tremendous feeling of pride and fulfillment which I would experience for serving my people and my country, and which is indeed simply priceless…READ MORE

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