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Jamaica Day 2022

In 2011, the Governor General of Jamaica – Sir Patrick Allen – proclaimed that Jamaica Day be celebrated annually on the last Friday of February, unless there are adverse circumstances. Therefore, Friday, February 25, 2022 will be celebrated as Jamaica Day under the theme “Celebrating Jamaica (Building Character: Hearts through the Arts).”  The theme this year assumes greater relevance against the background of the Ministry of Education and Youth (MOEY) developing a Character in Education Programme which will provide an avenue through which the character of Jamaican students can be positively impacted. The Jamaica Day activities this year will focus on using the vehicle of the Arts to inculcate and reinforce positive values in our students.

In light of the continued adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, a virtual model similar to the one utilized last year is being proposed. This model comprises broadcasting a two hour Programme on Television Jamaica (TVJ) and on the MoEY’s e-Homeschool Network. Although some schools have opened for face-to-face instructions and are using the blended approach, large gatherings are not recommended as per the guidelines provided in the Disaster Risk Management Act. As part of the integrated focus of the NSC Curriculum, curricula activities from the various disciplines will focus on the theme of Jamaica Day as per usual.

The two hour Programme will showcase a civic ceremony and special features as outlined in the attached running order. It is being proposed to have the day’s proceedings start at 9:00 am. The Programme will be pre-recorded and aired on February 25, 2022. The planning of the Programme will be led by the Jamaica Day Planning Committee. The customary collaboration with the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport (MCGES) will be established.  The Creative Productions Training Centre (CPTC), an agency of the MCGES, has agreed to assist with the pre and post production work and the Media Services Unit will provide CPTC with relevant footage to augment the Programme.


The Jamaica Day Planning Committee is always of the view that greater private sector involvement is needed in the celebration of Jamaica Day. As such, Fontana Pharmacy has committed to partnering with us for a third year as the first private sector entity to officially partner with the MoEY to stage the event. The management of Fontana has once again volunteered to provide prizes for a competition which will be associated with the event.

Competition Overview 

A major highlight of the partnership this year will be a Performing Arts Competition using the social media platform “Tiktok”. The competition will be judged in two categories- Primary and Secondary (these categories will include our independent educational institutions). Each school will be required to create and record a Tiktok video (maximum two minutes) highlighting the theme. The piece should include elements of the Arts and should include Fontana’s tag line “It’s all good inside”, along with the Mantra of the MoEY Every Child Can Learn, Every Child Must Learn. This can be done as solo or in groups once the necessary protocols are observed. The videos are to be posted by February 14, 2022. The campaign will take place during the week of February 15-18, 2022. Prizes will be awarded to the top three schools from each category to get the most likes on their video.  Winners will be decided by February 21, 2022. They will be notified and their videos broadcasted on television on Jamaica Day.

Videos are to be sent via WeTransfer or Google Drive to celebratingjamaica2020@gmail.com, and should be labelled with the name of the School. The videos will then be uploaded and made accessible for voting via the Fontana-Ministry of Education Competition YouTube Channel which can be found at https://www.youtube.com/c/FontanaMinistryofEducationCompetition.

All students of primary and secondary schools will be eligible for entry within their relevant category. A school may make a maximum of five entries. Schools will be required to gain consent from the parents of all participants under the age of eighteen (18) years. The presentations should be the work of the students with the support of their teachers.