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Government Reviewing Decision of the Court

By: , April 12, 2019

The Key Point:

The Supreme Court today handed down it's ruling on aspects of the 2017 National Identification and Registration Act. The Government is respectful of the court's ruling and will spend some time carefully reviewing the judgment, after which a more fulsome response will be forthcoming.
Government Reviewing Decision of the Court
Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, ON, PC, MP

The Facts

  • The Government would like to place on record its sincere gratitude to the full court panel comprising of Chief Justice Bryan Sykes, Justice David Batts and Justice Lisa Palmer Hamilton for their considered judgment.

The Full Story

The Supreme Court today handed down it’s ruling on aspects of the 2017 National Identification and Registration Act. The Government is respectful of the court’s ruling and will spend some time carefully reviewing the judgment, after which a more fulsome response will be forthcoming.

The Government would like to place on record its sincere gratitude to the full court panel comprising of Chief Justice Bryan Sykes, Justice David Batts and Justice Lisa Palmer Hamilton for their considered judgment.

Last Updated: April 12, 2019

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