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Do Not Tamper With NWC Meters

By: , July 14, 2021
Do Not Tamper With NWC Meters
Photo: Contributed
Corporate Public Relations Manager at the National Water Commission (NWC), Andrew Canon.

The Full Story

The National Water Commission (NWC) is reminding persons that tampering with meters installed by the NWC is a criminal offence punishable by law.

“It is an offence for customers to wilfully engage in any activity that is designed to deny the NWC of revenues from its services,” Corporate Communications Manager at the NWC, Andrew Canon, told a recent virtual forum, geared at spreading awareness on water theft and its impact on the NWC.

“Persons should not install connections, bypass the meter, or connect meters that have been disconnected due to lack of payment or tamper with meters installed by the NWC or connect to the NWC network or treatment without authorisation,”  he added.

Mr. Canon said that unless issues related to illegal connections are addressed, it will be very difficult  for the NWC to achieve financial viability.

“That is  very important because the provision of water is not a cheap affair; it is a capital-intensive exercise and that is why we have been stressing that persons pay their bills or be disconnected,” he emphasised.

Mr. Canon said that the NWC is committed to implementing strategies aimed at reducing losses due to theft, and maximising revenues and operational efficiency, such as its current Disconnection Drive.

“Unfortunately, approximately 50 per cent of the disconnected water supplies are restored illegally; therefore, the impetus to pay is very low, which affects revenue generation and the supply received by paying customers,” he noted.

“Water theft reduces the flow of the pressure to paying customers and communities. Persons who steal water have no regard for those affected and that is why the NWC engages in forums like these to raise awareness on illegal connections, which refers to the unauthorised usage of water and sewer services provided by the Commission,” he added.

Last Updated: July 14, 2021

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