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Vital Services Provided at Fairs Hosted by National Security Ministry

By: , July 18, 2022
Vital Services Provided at Fairs Hosted by National Security Ministry
Photo: Rudranath Fraser
Chief Technical Director (Acting) in the Ministry of National Security, Shauna Trowers.

The Full Story

Vital government services are provided to parents and community members through the social service fairs being held by the Ministry of National Security, says Chief Technical Director in the Ministry, Shauna Trowers.

The fairs facilitate services from State-run agencies, such as the Passport, Immigration and Citizenship Agency (PICA) and the Registrar General’s Department (RGD), among others.

In an interview with JIS News, Ms. Trowers informed that, to date, five fairs have been hosted in several communities islandwide.

“We have engaged our parents and the community members, and we have provided for integrated service delivery,” she said.

The Chief Technical Director pointed out that the fairs are held in targeted communities, in partnership with other critical stakeholders, aimed at tackling some of the problems being faced within the communities.

“What we are trying to do is to ensure that the persons who need the services get them and there is an ongoing conversation at the community level, ensuring that we can reach the persons whom we need to reach, the parents, the children, because what comes out of these fairs is not a stand-alone event… the other ministries and departments pay attention to the persons we are interacting with and the needs that the community may have,” she informed.

She said the fairs also provide an opportunity to stakeholders to continue the engagement post event.

Ms. Trowers noted that children are engaged in fun-filled activities at the fairs, such as face-painting and other entertainment.

Some of the partnering ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) are the Ministries of education and Youth, Health and Wellness, and Labour and Social Security; RGD; PICA; National Parenting Support Commission (NPSC), among others. Private-sector partners include GraceKennedy, and Neil and Massy.

Last Updated: July 18, 2022

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