UDC Hosting New Year’s Eve Events
By: January 3, 2023 ,The Full Story
Jamaicans are being invited to ring in 2023 at one of the three events being organised by the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) on New Year’s Eve, Saturday, December 31.
The UDC’s Director of Corporate Communications, Lorna Clarke, told JIS News that the Kingston Waterfront and Ocho Rios Bay Beach in St. Ann will see the return of the fireworks displays after a two-year break due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Meanwhile, for the first time, a Fun Fest and Gospel Concert will be held at the Harmony Beach Park in St. James, featuring performances by artistes Jermaine Edwards and O’Neil Campbell, among others. All events will begin at 2:00 p.m.
Ms. Clarke informed that the afternoon activities for St. Ann will be held at Turtle River Park, while the evening engagements take place at Ocho Rios Bay Beach.
The St. Ann and Kingston events will include a kiddie’s village, vending village, and stage show, which will culminate with fireworks at midnight.
“For the kiddie’s village, in both Ocho Rios and Kingston, we offer all-day ride passes. For Ocho Rios, it’s $1,000, and $2,500 for Kingston,” Ms. Clarke said, adding that persons will still be able to purchase individual rides if they so desire.
The stage show will feature several artistes, including Busy Signal, Tony Rebel, Etana, Yaksta, Kevin Downswell, Sista Patt, Lubert Levy and Levy’s Heritage in Kingston, and Chi Ching Ching, Ramon Johnson and Admiral Bailey in St. Ann.
“The events are largely free. However, we do offer a VIP option. In St. Ann, there is an adult charge of $8,000 and children $4,000. In Kingston, adults $15,000, couples $20,000 and children and groups of five or more $10,000,” Ms. Clarke informed, pointing out that the VIP sections will serve hors d’oeuvres and complimentary drinks.
Tickets can be purchased at the UDC Head Office on Ocean Boulevard in downtown Kingston or the St. Ann Development Company Limited (SADCo) office.
The fireworks events are being held under the theme ‘Fireworks 2022: A Diamond Jubilee’. This is in keeping with the national celebration for Jamaica’s 60th Independence Anniversary.
Ms. Clarke further indicated that several roads will be closed to facilitate the event on the Kingston waterfront. As such, persons are being encouraged to follow the signs that will be erected.
Parking is available in Kingston at a cost of $400 at several locations. These include Jamaica Craft Market, Port Royal Street Car Park, West Street Car Park, Harbour Street Car Park, Temple Lane Car Park, Transport Centre, Water Lane, and the Fisheries Car Park on Port Royal Street.
“We offer park and ride – a shuttle service from the National Heroes’ Park down to the waterfront for a cost of $600”, Ms. Clarke informed, adding that the parking locations will be secured and lit, with the shuttles taking patrons to and from the venue, allowing them the opportunity to relax.
The events are being sponsored by the CHASE Fund, Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF), Digicel, Airports Authority of Jamaica, GraceKennedy Limited, Main Event Entertainment Group, Jamaica Social Investment Fund, National Housing Trust, J. Wray and Nephew, National Road Operating and Constructing Company Limited, and PanJam Investment Limited, among other entities.
Additional support for the events is being provided by other government ministries and agencies.