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Sport Ministry Intensifies Preparation for National Sport Museum

By: , March 26, 2019

The Key Point:

The Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport is continuing its preparation for the National Sport Museum by acquiring 3D scanners for digitising artefacts that will be on display in the National Sport Museum, when established.
Sport Ministry Intensifies Preparation for National Sport Museum
Photo: Contributed
The Minister of Culture Gender, Entertainment and Sport, the Honourable Olivia Grange (right) accepts donations for the National Sport Museum from former hockey player and administrator, Kay Wilson.

The Facts

  • The Minister, the Honourable Olivia Grange, made the disclosure at a Digital Asset Workshop organised by the Ministry at the Creative Production and Training Centre today.
  • “I should inform you that the two 3D Scanners that you see being used here in the training were just acquired by the Ministry. For the time being, the scanners will be used by the Institute of Jamaica and the National Library of Jamaica which will hold them in safe keeping for the Museum,” Minister Grange said.

The Full Story

The Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport is continuing its preparation for the National Sport Museum by acquiring 3D scanners for digitising artefacts that will be on display in the National Sport Museum, when established.

The Minister, the Honourable Olivia Grange, made the disclosure at a Digital Asset Workshop organised by the Ministry at the Creative Production and Training Centre today.

“I should inform you that the two 3D Scanners that you see being used here in the training were just acquired by the Ministry. For the time being, the scanners will be used by the Institute of Jamaica and the National Library of Jamaica which will hold them in safe keeping for the Museum,” Minister Grange said.

Minister Grange said that the Workshop will provide “a pool of trained digitisers” who the Ministry can call on to do work for the National Sport Museum even as they put their training to use in their own organisations.

The National Sport Museum will serve as a knowledge bank, collecting and documenting material pertinent to Jamaicans who have dedicated their lives as athletes and support personnel.

Minister Grange said also that not only will there be a Virtual Museum that will precede the physical museum, but her Ministry “plans to stage periodic exhibitions of the artefacts now in the National Sport Museum collection.”

Meanwhile, former Hockey Player and Administrator, Kay Wilson donated a number of her trophies and personal items to the National Sport Museum. The items will be digitised tomorrow during the third day of the Workshop.

Other items being digitised are: a replica of the London 2012 Olympic Torch, a pair of Veronica Campbell Brown’s running shoes, two ice hockey pucks, a baseball cap and the competition suit of Namibian 200-metre star, Frankie Fredericks.

Last Updated: March 26, 2019

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