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Service Clubs Encouraged To Implement Social Intervention Programmes In Communities

By: , July 12, 2021
Service Clubs Encouraged To Implement Social Intervention Programmes In Communities
Photo: Yhomo Hutchinson
Minister of National Security, Hon. Dr. Horace Chang, delivers remarks at the installation ceremony for the incoming President, Vivette Miller and Board of Directors 2021-2022 of the Rotary Club of Downtown Kingston held at the Cherry Gardens Great House on July 10.
Service Clubs Encouraged To Implement Social Intervention Programmes In Communities
Photo: Yhomo Hutchinson
Newly installed President of the Rotary Club of Downtown, Kingston, Ms. Vivette Miller, gives her remarks at an installation ceremony held at the Cherry Gardens Great House on July 10.

The Full Story

Minister of National Security and Deputy Prime Minister, Hon. Dr. Horace Chang is encouraging service organisations and the private sector to assist with social interventions in the communities of Downtown, Kingston.

“There is tremendous potential for partnerships to bring meaningful changes to the area, to restore hope to the residents of Downtown, Kingston,” Dr. Chang said.

He was speaking at the installation ceremony for the incoming President, Vivette Miller and Board of Directors 2021-2022 of the Rotary Club of Downtown Kingston held at the Cherry Gardens Great House on July 10.

The Minister noted that Downtown Kingston is one of Jamaica’s largest commercial districts and has been at a disadvantage, because of criminal acts from the surrounding communities.

Against this backdrop, Dr. Chang said that re-directing social initiatives in the challenging areas, is an investment that the Ministry is making.

“So too can other members who seek to work, whether it’s a service club like the Rotary Club or any other group that’s a non-governmental organization. It’s to create a safe space, to bear on these communities which are very challenged,” he stated.

Dr. Chang said socio-demographic surveys conducted by the National Security Ministry, will be made available to service organizations.

This, he said, is to narrow the focus of intervention programmes, and help to address specific needs with measurable outcomes for a community.

“A non-governmental organization that comes in can begin to take even one aspect [of the surveys] and work on it and say, ‘what do we need to do to ensure these kids come to school?’ Together we can make far-reaching changes in our communities,” the Minister said.

Meanwhile, Dr. Chang noted that his Ministry will continue to upgrade the security force infrastructure, while putting the necessary legislative measures in place.

“We’re committed to providing the tools that they need and want to assure the citizens, in terms of policing…we have a way to go and we have to do more and we’re committed to maintaining that momentum,” he said.

In addition, Dr. Chang said, the Ministry has a ‘Clear Hold and Build Strategy,’ such as the Zones of Special Operations (ZOZOs), that will remove gangs from communities and replace them with the police force, to bring about social transformation.

“We’ll put investments in schools, the clinics and all that serves the community to make it better, in order to bring about social transformation. So as the government expands the implementation of various aspects of their security strategies, there is always a place for partnerships,” he said.

Last Updated: July 12, 2021

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