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ROK Hotel Will Add to Downtown Revitalisation

By: , July 13, 2022
ROK Hotel Will Add to Downtown Revitalisation
Photo: Michael Sloley
Mayor of Kingston, Senator Councillor, Delroy Williams

The Full Story

The Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC) has welcomed the newly constructed ROK Hotel in downtown Kingston as a boost to the revitalisation and redevelopment of the busy commercial district.

The facility, located on the corner of Ocean Boulevard and King Street is scheduled to open on July 19.

“We believe that this is a major step in the right direction in the pursuit of a destination city and a tourism city. It’s also a major step in creating life in the downtown of the city,” said Mayor of Kingston, Senator Councillor Delroy Williams.

He was addressing the monthly meeting of the KSAMC at the entity’s Church Street offices in downtown Kingston on Tuesday (July 12).

Mayor Williams said that the municipality continues to pursue avenues to build out downtown Kingston, and welcomed the players, who have been investing in the redevelopment of the area.

“We have to continue to work at resolving [the] challenges, so that it is easier for investors to make the investment downtown,” Mayor Williams noted.

“The fact that more and more private persons are investing in… the downtown space, says to us that something is happening, and people are visioning and seeing,” he added.

Last Updated: July 13, 2022

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