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Residents Encouraged to Participate in Police Area 3 Service Survey

By: , September 25, 2022
Residents Encouraged to Participate in Police Area 3 Service Survey
Photo: Contributed
The Transforming Our Police Service (TOPS) Area Three Competition Logo.

The Full Story

Residents in the St. Elizabeth, Manchester and Clarendon Police Divisions, are being encouraged to participate in an online customer satisfaction survey regarding service delivery by the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF).  

The survey within the divisions, which comprise the JCF’s Area Three Command, is being administered by the Police Civilian Oversight Authority (PCOA). 

 The exercise along with face-to-face interviews are components of the Transforming Our Police Service (TOPS) Competition, being held in Area 3 this year. 

Communication and Public Relations Manager at PCOA, Karen Cadien, told JIS News that the entity anticipates the residents’ participation.  

“This component of the competition seeks to discern how citizens feel about the service being provided by their participating stations. Their input assists in determining which Division earns the Top Customer Service Division Award in the TOPS Competition for Area 3,” she said. 

“Additionally, we need to know and understand the deficiencies in the service provided, in order to build or recommend programmes to improve it,” Ms. Cadien further informed.  

There are 34 stations in the three divisions, with St. Elizabeth and Manchester having 11 each, while Clarendon has 12.     

“We are hoping to get at least 1,000 persons to participate this year. As you know, the conducting of face-to-face surveys can only go so far, because these are done within the locales of the stations and not necessarily those farther in distance. Having the survey online will assist us in connecting with those who are not in close proximity to the stations,” Ms. Cadien indicated. 

Persons can either access the survey on the PCOA social media pages – @policecivilianoversight, Facebook/pcoagov, and by clicking  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BGC9MN7.

Developed in 2019, the TOPS Programme aims to foster greater conformance with prescribed JCF policies, as well as raise morale among police personnel.  

The programme also facilitates the PCOA’s broader objective of enhancing the culture of policing in the community, through professionalism and police partnerships built on openness, trust and accountability. 

The TOPS Programme comprises four phases: a competition held in one of five JCF Area Commands; an awards ceremony held during Police Week, in November, to announce the winners of the following categories – Top Station, Top Prisoners in Custody (PIC) Station, Top Division, and Top Customer Service Division, among others; a performance review meeting between the JCF Hierarchy and PCOA Members, where issues emanating from inspections conducted for the competition are discussed and agreed targets for improvement set; and a re-inspection to determine if these targets are met.   

So far, the competition has been held in Area 2, comprising Portland, St. Mary, and St. Ann; Area 5 (St. Catherine North, St. Catherine South, St. Andrew North, and St. Thomas); and Area 4 (Kingston Western, Kingston Central, Kingston Eastern, St. Andrew South, and St. Andrew Central). 

Last Updated: September 26, 2022

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