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More Benefits, Including PSA Test, Added to NHF Card

By: , December 14, 2022
More Benefits, Including PSA Test, Added to NHF Card
Photo: Mark Bell
Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, addresses the House of Representatives on December 13.

The Full Story

More than 371,000 Jamaicans will have access to expanded benefits, following changes to the national programmes administered by the National Health Fund (NHF).

The changes, including the addition of the Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) test to the NHF Card Programme, are estimated to cost approximately $516.59 million per annum and are scheduled to become effective by the end of February 2023.

Making the announcement in the House of Representatives on December 13, Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, said the changes cover subsidy increases and an increase to the Jamaica Drug for the Elderly Programme (JADEP) Drug List.

“These changes will help to support access to healthcare for the 350,000 active beneficiaries of the NHF Card and the more than 21,000 beneficiaries of JADEP. At the same time, Jamaican men over 40 years of age who are enrolled with the NHF Card will now have ready access to screening for what is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in our male population – prostate cancer to be specific,” he said.

Dr. Tufton informed that the NHF Card will now see an addition of 41 new active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) for the treatment of eight conditions, namely hypertension, heart disease, vascular disease, diabetes, psychosis, glaucoma, sickle cell disease and epilepsy.

“The Board and the Management are estimating that this will cost an additional $474 million per annum in order to make provisions for these additional drugs,” he said.

He further noted that the Board has also approved changes to JADEP, with five pharmaceutical items added for the treatment of five conditions – arthritis, asthma, glaucoma, hypertension and vascular disease – based on specific criteria.

“This will see approximately 21,100 active beneficiaries receive benefits at an estimated cost of $42.59 million per annum. Jamaican residents 60 years and older can qualify for benefits through JADEP,” the Minister said.

Meanwhile, he pointed out that the PSA test will now be covered under the Individual Benefits Programme, noting that males over 40 years who are enrolled on the NHF Card Programme can now access PSA tests.

“The subsidy on the PSA test is set at $1,600.00 per test, with a maximum allowance of one test per year. We have some 89,665 active male claimants, 40 years and older, who can benefit from this new addition… . I say to these men, use the benefits to get tested; early detection saves lives,” he said.

“More often than not, the reason why men die from prostate cancer is as a result of late detection, because they do not get screened, and that applies to a number of the other cancer-related illnesses, and so part of the challenge or the way forward is to encourage early detection through screening. Hence this new addition to the NHF arrangement,” he said.

Global Cancer Observatory (Globocan) data for 2020 estimates that Jamaica sees just over 1,500 new prostate cancer cases annually.

He said the new benefits are in keeping with the NHF’s strategic priority to improve access and enhance customer satisfaction.

“The Fund conducts periodic reviews of the benefits under the programme and in addition receives feedback from beneficiaries and stakeholders in relation to their concerns about the programme,” the Minister told the House.

Opposition Spokesperson on Health, Dr. Morais Guy, said the changes will go a far way in helping Jamaicans.

To access these expanded benefits and others, members of the public can call the NHF at 1-888-DIAL-NHF (342-5643), visit www.nhf.org.jm or any of the 106 DrugServ locations for full-time and scheduled services at private and public health facilities islandwide.

The NHF is an agency of the Ministry of Health and Wellness.

Last Updated: December 15, 2022

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