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Minister Outlines Objectives Of New Beach Policy

By: , February 3, 2021
Minister Outlines Objectives Of New Beach Policy
Photo: Mark Bell
Minister of Housing, Urban Renewal, Environment and Climate Change, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., speaks at a virtual public town hall meeting on the draft Beach Access and Management Policy for Jamaica, on February 2.

The Full Story

The Government, through the draft Beach Access and Management Policy for Jamaica, is seeking to increase access to and improve the standard and maintenance of beaches available to the public.

Minister of Housing, Urban Renewal, Environment and Climate Change, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., gave details on the policy during a virtual public town hall meeting, held on February 2.

“The policy focuses on improving access rights, particularly to the foreshore. That foreshore is the area that you will see uncovered and covered by the water… and that is an area that is vested in the Crown/the Government and we want all Jamaicans to have access to that,” he said.

Mr. Charles Jr. said the Government is committed to ensuring that Jamaicans and the island’s visitors have access to beaches of good quality.

“The policy looks on that balance – access – how we are taking care of our beaches, how we are going to be able to provide beaches that people can feel safe and secure in, proper amenities, clean beaches, spaces where Jamaicans and our tourists alike can have an opportunity to enjoy,” he added.

Mr. Charles Jr. said the discussion on beach access and management is one element of the Government’s movement towards the introduction of more sustainable practices, aimed at developing a more resilient Jamaica.

“Our new and dynamic Ministry focuses on not just beaches but on the impact of climate change which is connected to beaches, because when you hear us speak about erosion, a lot of that has to do with the impact of climate change. So many of our projects that we have, even in the Climate Change Division, will support and enhance our ability to withstand those impacts and protect our beaches,” he noted.

The policy Green Paper was tabled in the House of Representatives in October last year by Minister Charles Jr. Since then, as part of the policy development process, the Ministry’s Environment and Risk Management Branch has been hosting a series of virtual consultations with a number of stakeholders.

Consultations have been held with Government stakeholders, civil society, the Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association (JHTA), the private sector, among others.

Meanwhile, the public is being invited to make comments and provide recommendations on the Beach Access and Management Policy for Jamaica. Persons can send in written suggestions on the policy to policycomments@megjc.gov.jm.

The policy document can be accessed at BAMP_GreenPaper.pdf (mhurecc.gov.jm).

Results of the consultations will be used in the revision of the policy before it is submitted to Cabinet for approval as a final policy.

Last Updated: February 3, 2021

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