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Hundreds to Benefit from Upgrading of Ginger Ridge/Connors Water Scheme

By: , July 1, 2019

The Key Point:

Hundreds of residents from communities in West Central St. Catherine are to benefit from the rehabilitation of the Ginger Ridge/Connors water supply scheme.
Hundreds to Benefit from Upgrading of Ginger Ridge/Connors Water Scheme
Photo: Garfield Angus
Member of Parliament for West Central St. Catherine, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton (centre), addresses a community meeting at the Ginger Ridge Primary School in the parish, where he gave details about a water supply project. Also pictured are Regional Manager, National Water Commission (NWC), Gawain Johnson (left); and Community Development Officer, Rural Water Supply Limited, Winston Simon.

The Facts

  • The $65-million project, which is set to start in the first week of July and completed over six to nine months, is being spearheaded by the National Water Commission (NWC) in partnership with Rural Water Supply Limited (RWSL).
  • It entails pipe-laying works, construction of a concrete sump, rehabilitation of the existing pump house, among other works.

The Full Story

Hundreds of residents from communities in West Central St. Catherine are to benefit from the rehabilitation of the Ginger Ridge/Connors water supply scheme.

The $65-million project, which is set to start in the first week of July and completed over six to nine months, is being spearheaded by the National Water Commission (NWC) in partnership with Rural Water Supply Limited (RWSL).

It entails pipe-laying works, construction of a concrete sump, rehabilitation of the existing pump house, among other works.

Addressing a recent community meeting at the Ginger Ridge Primary School, Health and Wellness Minister and Member of Parliament for the area, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, implored the residents to regard the water scheme as their own.

“This infrastructure is yours to protect, yours to benefit from, so we have to understand our obligations and responsibility to work together. Ensure that the water bills are paid and ensure that the plant is maintained properly,” he said.

Regional Manager at the NWC, Gawain Johnson, informed that a solar system will be installed to help reduce the operational costs of the facility.

Community Developing Officer with the RWSL, Winston Simon, for his part, encouraged the residents to “see the provision of reliable water as a development tool for your area”.

Funding for the project is being provided by the NWC with the RWSL providing technical management.

Last Updated: October 4, 2019

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