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Ground Broken For New Police Station At Little London

By: , April 8, 2022
Ground Broken For New Police Station At Little London
Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness (fourth left), officially breaks ground for the construction of the new Little London Police Station, in Westmoreland, on Thursday (April 7) . Also taking part are (from left): Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Hon. Desmond McKenzie; Deputy Commissioner of Police, Clifford Blake; Member of Parliament for Western Westmoreland, Moreland Wilson; Minister of State in the Ministry of National Security, Zavia Mayne; Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of National Security, Courtney Williams; and Senior General Manager, Construction and Development, at the National Housing Trust (NHT), Donald Moore.
Ground Broken For New Police Station At Little London
Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, addresses the official groundbreaking ceremony for the new Little London Police Station in Westmoreland on Thursday (April 7).

The Full Story

Prime Minister, the Most. Hon. Andrew Holness, officially broke ground for the construction of a new police station, in Little London, Westmoreland, on Thursday (April 7).

The facility will be built under the Ministry of National Security’s Project Rebuild, Overhaul, and Construct (ROC) initiative, which is aimed at making police stations islandwide, modern and citizen-friendly workspaces.

Construction of the police station, which is set to commence this financial year, will be done in collaboration with the National Housing Trust (NHT), which is funding the project at a cost of $175 million. The facility is slated for completion in two years.

Mr. Holness, in his address, noted that the facility is another major investment by the Government in infrastructure for the island’s police officers.

The Prime Minister emphasised that the Government is making national security a priority, as they continue to make significant investments in the area.

“No other administration, in any other period in the history of Jamaica, has spent more than this administration has on national security. From my vantage point, the investment is already bearing fruit,” he noted.

For his part, Minister of State in the Ministry of National Security, Hon. Zavia Mayne, said that Project ROC is integral to the Government’s transformational agenda to strengthen the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) and the national security apparatus in keeping with its commitment to ensure that the security forces are sufficiently equipped to deal with the demands of crime today.

“We recognise that we may not be able to deal with the activities of extreme violence and the terrorising of communities by criminal elements with an under-equipped police force, and as such the Government has set about in organising an overhaul framework that firstly, ensures that the policing infrastructure is in good order, to include buildings, communication and transport; and secondly, to provide a legal framework to tackle crime, which includes bringing new legislation to the table,” he said.

The new building will house the police station and living quarters as well as a new holding facility.

Last Updated: April 8, 2022

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