SCJ Holdings Limited was formed December 12, 2001 and became the holding company for three companies namely, The Sugar Company of Jamaica Limited, St. Thomas Sugar Company Limited, and Trelawny Sugar Company Limited. In July 2009 the Divestment Team successfully divested the Long Pond, Hampden, and St. Thomas sugar estates. The Government thereafter took the decision to wind up The Sugar Company of Jamaica Limited which was the Company responsible for the operations of all the Government-owned sugar estates up to August 2009. In July 2009, SCJ Holdings Limited (SCJH) (T/A Sugar Divestment Enterprise) was given the responsibility to divest the remaining Government-owned sugar assets and at the same time continue the operations of the Frome, Monymusk, and Bernard Lodge Estates with the objective of divesting these two operating factories and three estates.
In July 2010 COMPLANT International Sugar Industry Company Limited of the Peoples’ Republic of China (COMPLANT) entered into an Agreement for Lease and purchase of the remaining assets being the Frome, Monymusk and Bernard Lodge Estates. As a direct consequence of this Agreement these sugar assets were handed over to COMPLANT on August 15, 2011 at which time all the six former Government sugar businesses were now in the hands of private investors.