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Government Centre to Be Constructed in Montego Bay

By: , February 24, 2019

The Key Point:

Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, says a Government Centre is to be constructed in Montego Bay, St. James to facilitate easy access to information and services for citizens.
Government Centre to Be Constructed in Montego Bay
Prime Minister the Most Hon. Andrew Holness (7th left) and Minister of Tourism, Hon. Edmund Bartlett (6th left) participate in the official ground breaking ceremony for the Closed Harbour Beach project in Montego Bay on February 22. Joining the moment are (from left): Chairman, Urban Development Corporation (UDC), Senator Ransford Braham; Acting General Manager, UDC, Heather Pinnock; Executive Director of the Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF) Dr. Carey Wallace; Member of Parliament for Central St. James, Heroy Clarke; Mayor of Montego Bay, Councillor Homer Davis; Minister of National Security, Hon. Dr. Horace Chang; Attorney General and Member of Parliament for St. James West Central, Marlene Malahoo-Forte; Permanent Secretary, Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Audrey Sewell; Chairman of the Tourism Enhancement Fund, Godfrey Dyer; and Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, Hon. Olivia Grange.

The Facts

  • Mr. Holness added that “it must also reflect the efficiency of the state, and therefore we will be creating within the city of Montego Bay your own government centre where all the services of the Government will be administered and easily available.”
  • Construction of Closed Harbour Beach Park, (known as ‘Dump up Beach’), is expected to transform the development of downtown Montego Bay.

The Full Story

Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, says a Government Centre is to be constructed in Montego Bay, St. James to facilitate easy access to information and services for citizens.

Speaking at the ground-breaking ceremony for the Closed Harbour Beach Park Development in Montego Bay on February 22, Prime Minster Holness said land has already been identified for the project.

“Minister of Tourism, Hon. Edmund Bartlett would have toured a piece of land within the city proper. The idea there is to create a Government centre/circle. Every city has to have public administration which is accessible to all its citizens. It also must reflect the dreams and aspirations and your own pride in your own Government…your pride in your country and in your own state,” he stated.

Mr. Holness added that “it must also reflect the efficiency of the state, and therefore we will be creating within the city of Montego Bay your own government centre where all the services of the Government will be administered and easily available.”

Meanwhile the Prime Minister advised that a world class performing centre is to be developed in Montego Bay.

“After the visitors have completed their meetings or after having spent a day at the beach, they might then want to see the exposition of the Jamaican culture in the performing arts. There you will bring together not just your dance, but also your drama, your music and your singing. There our people will be well trained and where our culture will be well represented in the tourism product,” he outlined.

Construction of Closed Harbour Beach Park, (known as ‘Dump up Beach’), is expected to transform the development of downtown Montego Bay.

The project forms a part of the Urban Development’s (UDC) Montego Bay Redevelopment Programme which will see the conversion of the 16-acre property into a world class recreational space with amenities that will allow for it to operate as a free access licenced public beach.

The initiative which is estimated at a cost of $1.296 billion is anticipated for completion within 18 months with main funding provided by the Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF).

Meanwhile, UDC, Chairman, Senator Ransford Braham said the Montego Bay Waterfront Rehabilitation Project will complement the Closed Harbour Beach Park Project.

“The scope of the works include widening of the sidewalk and new perimeter fencing along Gloucester Avenue and Howard Cooke Boulevard, while the interior of the park will feature a network of landscape and softscape, public restrooms, changing rooms, beach showers, jogging trail, site filling and grading and support services, including electrical, sewerage, storm water drainage and telecommunication,” he outlined.


Last Updated: February 25, 2019

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