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Discussions on Air Jamaica Will Re-Open with Caribbean Airlines… says PM Golding

December 18, 2009

The Full Story

Prime Minister the Hon. Bruce Golding in updating Parliament yesterday on the sale of Jamaica’s national airline, Air Jamaica, said discussions with Caribbean Airlines will re-open once the exclusivity agreement with the second bidder expires.
Speaking at the special sitting of Parliament yesterday (Dec 17) Mr. Golding said: “Not having been able to arrive at an agreement that we felt was acceptable to Jamaicans, we indicated to Caribbean Airlines that we were open to discussions.”
“I flew to Trinidad yesterday (Dec 16) and met with the team that was there. Prime Minister Manning was not there because he is in Copenhagen. He and I have been on the phone repeatedly over the last few days discussing the matter and the team that I met with yesterday was fully authorised by him to pursue those discussions and to give us indications as to what it’s proposals are” Mr. Golding explained.
He continued to say that Caribbean Airlines has a vision of a regional carrier and he had indicated that the idea is wonderful but Jamaica is a tourist destination and the country has particular interests that have to be served.
“I am satisfied based on discussions I had yesterday (Dec 16) that there is a full appreciation and I’m hoping that we may be able to arrive at an agreement that would relieve Jamaica of any further financial responsibilities and preserve and protect those critical roots that are vital to us as a tourist destination and for our Jamaicans living or travelling abroad. I am satisfied based on the assurances given that that is possible.”
The PM added that in privatising Air Jamaica, the Government should not incur any liabilities going forward.

Last Updated: August 20, 2013

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