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Cabinet Holds Retreat Jan. 16 To 18

By: , January 15, 2020

The Key Point:

Cabinet will be holding a three-day retreat from Thursday, January 16 to Saturday, January 18 as the Government continues to prepare for the 2020/21 Budget.
Cabinet Holds Retreat Jan. 16 To 18
Photo: Yhomo Hutchinson
(FILE) Minister with oversight for Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Karl Samuda, addresses today’s (January 15) post-Cabinet press briefing, at Jamaica House.

The Facts

  • Minister with oversight for Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Karl Samuda, made the disclosure during today’s (January 15) post-Cabinet press briefing at Jamaica House.
  • He said Cabinet Ministers will discuss the various programmes and plans and the Government’s strategic priorities as the new fiscal year approaches.

The Full Story

Cabinet will be holding a three-day retreat from Thursday, January 16 to Saturday, January 18 as the Government continues to prepare for the 2020/21 Budget.

Minister with oversight for Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Karl Samuda, made the disclosure during today’s (January 15) post-Cabinet press briefing at Jamaica House.

He said Cabinet Ministers will discuss the various programmes and plans and the Government’s strategic priorities as the new fiscal year approaches.

“Every year at this time, we have a retreat of the Cabinet that is to examine the Budget as prepared by the Ministry of Finance, where each Minister will make their contribution and make their claim for more money of course,” Mr. Samuda said.

“At the end of that process, the Cabinet will retreat into a private members Cabinet retreat comprising only the Ministers of Government, where we will review our plans and programmes for the ensuing year and we will make any adjustments where we see necessary, and we will review the very general operation of our Government,” he added.

Mr. Samuda said at the end of the process, Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, is expected to make an official announcement “as to where we are going and how we are going forward for the year”.

Last Updated: January 16, 2020

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