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Bog Walk Police Station And Health Centre to Be Upgraded

By: , August 16, 2019

The Key Point:

Residents of surrounding communities in Bog Walk, St. Catherine, are to benefit from the upgrading of their health and security facilities, as well as the rehabilitation of a road, at a cost of $88 million.
Bog Walk Police Station And Health Centre to Be Upgraded
Photo: Michael Sloley
Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP), Warren Clarke (left); Member of Parliament for North Central St. Catherine, Natalie Neita (centre), and Managing Director of the Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF), Omar Sweeney, participate in the contract signing for the $88 million upgrading of the Bog Walk Police Station and Bog Walk Health Centre, and rehabilitation of the Pineapple Lane road, yesterday (August 15), at the Knollis Community Centre, in St. Catherine.
Bog Walk Police Station And Health Centre to Be Upgraded
Photo: Michael Sloley
Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP), Warren Clarke (2nd right), and Managing Director of the Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF), Omar Sweeney (right), display contract signed yesterday (August 15), at the Knollis Community Centre, in St. Catherine, for the $88 million upgrading of the Bog Walk Police Station and Bog Walk Health Centre, and rehabilitation of the Pineapple Lane road, in the parish. Sharing in the moment (from left) are Corporal Andrew Alves, and Member of Parliament for North Central St. Catherine, Natalie Neita.

The Facts

  • Over the next six months, the Bog Walk Health Centre will be expanded, and a dental unit constructed, at a cost of $31.7 million; the Bog Walk Police Station will be rehabilitated, equipped and expanded at a cost of $33.6 million, and the Pineapple Lane road will be rehabilitated at a cost of $22.5 million.
  • The projects, funded by the Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF), will commence immediately, following a public signing ceremony on August 15, at the Knollis Community Centre, in the area.

The Full Story

Residents of surrounding communities in Bog Walk, St. Catherine, are to benefit from the upgrading of their health and security facilities, as well as the rehabilitation of a road, at a cost of $88 million.

Over the next six months, the Bog Walk Health Centre will be expanded, and a dental unit constructed, at a cost of $31.7 million; the Bog Walk Police Station will be rehabilitated, equipped and expanded at a cost of $33.6 million, and the Pineapple Lane road will be rehabilitated at a cost of $22.5 million.

The projects, funded by the Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF), will commence immediately, following a public signing ceremony on August 15, at the Knollis Community Centre, in the area.

Speaking at the ceremony, Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP), Warren Clarke, said the people must see the investment as their own, as the upgraded station will enhance security.

He added that the partnership between JSIF and the JCF has remained harmonious due to the “shared values” that the two entities possess.

The three projects are benefitting from grant funding provided by the JSIF’s Poverty Reduction Programme (PRP), which is funded by the European Union (EU).

For her part, Member of Parliament for North Central St. Catherine, Natalie Neita, said she is pleased that the residents will now have improved facilities.

“We promise to give our full support, cooperation and our sweat equity, in making these projects a reality,” she added.

Meanwhile, Managing Director of JSIF, Omar Sweeney, said support from the EU is geared at improving community infrastructure and ensuring the protection of human rights.

He said that the community members have an obligation to take extra care of the facilities.

The guiding principle of the PRP is to contribute to the implementation of the Government of Jamaica’s Community Renewal Programme (CRP), which addresses the governance, physical transformation, socio-economic development, youth development and empowerment of residents in targeted communities.

Last Updated: August 16, 2019

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