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Cabinet Gives Nod For Certain Approved Sporting Events Under Conditions

By: , January 27, 2021
Cabinet Gives Nod For Certain Approved Sporting Events Under Conditions
Photo: Michael Sloley
Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, addresses yesterday's (Jan. 26) sitting of the House of Representatives.

The Full Story

Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, has disclosed that Cabinet has made provisions for certain approved sporting events to be allowed under conditions.

“Prior to now the policy was not to allow sporting events. We contemplated this over two days… and the decision is that sporting events can be allowed under conditions,” Mr. Holness said.

The Prime Minister was addressing yesterday’s (January 26) sitting of the House of Representatives at Gordon House.

He said the Ministers of Health and Wellness; Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, and Local Government and Rural Development will, in due course, explain in more detail the conditions.

“This is not a wide-scale return of sport. We have to, first of all, go through a process where we look at each sporting event and what they require and the specific public health protocol that can be put in place to ensure they are safe,” Mr. Holness said.

“Each sporting event (organiser) will have to apply for approval… so they have to go through the Ministry of Local Government, work with the Minister of Sports as their advocate and the Minister of Health to put together a package,” he added.

He said in the first instance, the events may be held without spectators. “This would be applied when they are training as well, so it’s the bubble concept that would apply,” he pointed out.

Last Updated: January 27, 2021

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