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$650 Million For Rehabilitation Of Farm Roads

By: , May 14, 2021
$650 Million For Rehabilitation Of Farm Roads
Photo: Michael SLoley
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Hon. Floyd Green, making his contribution to the 2021/22 Sectoral Debate in the House of Representatives on May 12.

The Full Story

Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Hon. Floyd Green, says $650 million will be spent to rehabilitate farm roads across the island this financial year.

He said that the improvements will benefit more than 2,000 farmers and farm families across rural communities through increased access to markets and ease of transportation of goods and services.

The Minister was making his contribution to the 2021/2022 Sectoral Debate in the House of Representatives on Wednesday (May 12).

He noted that the Farm Road Programme has been revamped to target a minimum of one farm road per farming constituency selected after consultation with the Members of Parliament.

He said that additional projects will be accepted from the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) master list, which consists of recommendation from farm groups, extension officers and various other stakeholders

In addition, Minister Green noted that “each year we will attempt to undertake a number of marquee farm road projects in communities for greatest impact. They will be selected based on priority for full completion”.

He said the farm-road improvement works will benefit communities such as Comfort Road in Clarendon; New Fine Road, St. Ann; Nuts River, St. Thomas; Raggsville, St. Catherine; Africa to Hopewell, St. Mary; and several other areas.

During the last financial year the Government spent $375 million on the programme, resulting in the rehabilitation of 56 roads, while 10 others are in completion stages.

Last Updated: May 14, 2021

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