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Youngsters in St. James Benefit from Behaviour Modification Camp

By: , August 16, 2022
Youngsters in St. James Benefit from Behaviour Modification Camp
Photo: Contributed
Camp Coordinator and Youth Empowerment Officer for St. James, Damian Green (left), points out something of interest in a document to Youth Empowerment Officer for Hanover, Haley Collins-McFarlane (centre), and Chief Executive Officer of M-Lee HR Consulting Services, Marsha-Lee Morris. Occasion was the closing ceremony for the Behaviour Modification Summer camp, hosted by the Youth and Adolescent Policy Division of the Ministry of Education and Youth (MOEY) in Montego Bay, St. James, recently.

The Full Story

Nineteen males and six females from vulnerable communities in St. James have participated in a week-long behaviour-modification summer camp.

The camp, hosted by the Youth and Adolescents Policy Division of the Ministry of Education and Youth (MOEY), was held from July 20 to 25 at the St. James Youth Innovation Centre in Montego Bay.

It was part of the Youth ELEVATE (Enabling Long-Term Effective Viable Achievements through Education) initiative, designed to resocialise unattached and at-risk youth through a structured environment, and facilitate the building and enhancement of positive life skills towards the goal of inhibiting maladaptive behaviours.

Camp Coordinator and Youth Empowerment Officer for St. James, Damian Green, in his report at the recent closing ceremony, said the camp had a 100 per cent retention rate, which means that all 25 participants completed the programme and received certificates.

He said that the activity, among other things, was geared towards “bridging the gap between our vulnerable youth and their success by building their capacity to adopt, hone and cultivate positive life skills towards the ultimate goal of holistic development”.

“The intention is to engage youth in an environment that would enable them to elevate and achieve greatness,” he pointed out.

During their engagement, the young people were exposed to strategies for building mindfulness and emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, stress management, coping mechanisms and job-preparation techniques. The camp also provided an outlet for the participants, described as ‘Elevators’ to tap into their creative energies through art, and sharpen their team-building, communication and interpersonal skills.

Facilitators included representatives of the HEART/NSTA Trust, Montego Bay Restorative Justice Centre, M-Lee HR Consulting Services and various youth stakeholders within St. James. The participants received commendations and recognition for good conduct and were praised for the camaraderie that was displayed.

Testimonials were delivered by camp participants, De’Jonae Little and Astin Hewie, who both expressed their satisfaction with the initiative and that they would be happy to see it be manifested into an annual experience.

Youth ELEVATE is a pilot that is expected to be implemented across the Youth Innovation Centres (YIC) in the coming months as a strategy of the Ministry’s Youth and Adolescents Policy Division, to target and resocialise unattached, at-risk and vulnerable youth.

Last Updated: August 16, 2022

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