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Work-From- Home Arrangement Extended To September 17

By: , September 2, 2021
Work-From- Home Arrangement Extended To September 17
Photo: Donald De La Haye
Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, speaking during a virtual press conference on Wednesday (September 1).

The Full Story

The existing work-from-home arrangement stipulated for the public sector due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has been extended to September 17, 2021.

Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, made the announcement during a digital press conference on Wednesday (September 1), where he outlined updates on COVID-19 containment measures.

“I, again, urge permanent secretaries and heads of agencies to strictly ensure that only persons who work in critical service delivery and the nature of their work is such that it requires them to be physically present at the office or plants be allowed to come to work,” Mr. Holness said.

He also appealed to members of the private sector to ensure that only persons who cannot work from home be at the workplace.

On Sunday, September 5 and Sunday, September 12 places of worship will be allowed to have 20 persons physically present at services.

Persons attending will be required to have an authorisation form issued by their place of worship.

“Again, I see the appeals of our pastors, saying ‘we have these large spaces, and we could accommodate more persons [and] we have been very faithful in observing the rules’. I quite understand. It is not our intention to deprive anyone of their right to worship, but it is just necessary for the management of the pandemic,” Mr. Holness explained.

Mr. Holness said in the case of funerals, weddings, annual general meetings (AGMs) or other gatherings, the provisions that obtained over the past two weeks will remain.

Last Updated: September 2, 2021

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