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Two Labour Day Parish Projects for St. James

By: , May 11, 2024
Two Labour Day Parish Projects for St. James
Photo: Natalia Dixon
Mayor of Montego Bay, Councillor Richard Vernon, addresses the St. James Municipal Corporation’s monthly meeting on Thursday (May 9).

The Full Story

The St. James Municipal Corporation has identified two parish projects for Labour Day 2024 on May 23.

These are the demarcation of special permit parking areas for the disabled community and the cleaning and beautification of sections of the Pye River Cemetery.

Addressing the Corporation’s monthly meeting in Montego Bay on Thursday (May 9), Mayor of Montego Bay, Councillor Richard Vernon, said that the projects are in keeping with the Labour Day focus on increasing access for persons with disabilities, the elderly and the vulnerable under the  theme: ‘Ramp up di access…show that you care.’

He said the special parking areas will ensure that “persons with disabilities will not be charged when they are seeking a space to park.”

Councillor Vernon is urging citizens to come out and participate in the cemetery clean up exercise, particularly those who have family members buried on the property.

“We want you to come out and help us to clean up the cemetery. Each person in this parish may have somebody buried there,” he pointed out.

Deputy Mayor, Councillor Dwight Crawford, said the cleaning of the Pye River Cemetery deserves full support.

“Everybody that is in this room is connected to somebody who is laid to rest there. So, I would like to reach out to everyone in this room and right across Montego Bay to come out on Labour Day,” he said.

“Let us give the respect to our loved ones that they truly deserve. Let us make it a day of labour for the ones we love,” he added.

Last Updated: May 14, 2024

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