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St. Mary Police Host Town Hall Meeting April 27

By: , April 22, 2022
St. Mary Police Host Town Hall Meeting April 27
Photo: Garfield Angus
Head of the St. Mary Police Division, Superintendent Bobette Morgan-Simpson, speaks with JIS News at the recently held St. Mary Agricultural Show, at the Gray’s Inn Sports Complex, in Annotto Bay.

The Full Story

The St. Mary police will host a town hall meeting on Wednesday, April 27, at the St. Mary Parish Church in Port Maria, starting at 6:00 p.m.

This is part of ongoing efforts to better connect with the communities, and to update citizens on critical security issues that are impacting the parish.

Superintendent of Police in charge of St. Mary, Bobette Morgan-Simpson, told JIS News that the police are seeking to deepen its communication with persons across the Division, especially the young people.

“So, we will be doing a series of town hall meetings, going to different areas. We are starting with Port Maria, then to Gayle, and to Annotto Bay. We also will be doing more informal meetings that we call ‘Pan Di Corna’,” the Superintendent said.

The senior police officer said of concern to them is a trend where robbers are trailing persons with large sums of cash from financial institutions to their homes and other places.

She suggested that individuals should utilise electronic transfers, and where they are unable to, they should seek the help of the police to provide them with security.

The Superintendent said the meetings will seek to inform, as the police want to educate and empower communities by “telling them what the police are about and what we have been doing, our expectations from the communities and what the communities can expect from us. We want to satisfy the needs of the citizens”.

Several agencies have been invited to participate in the Port Maria forum, such as the Jamaica Public Service (JPS), the National Water Commission (NWC), agencies under the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, and others.

A segment will be devoted to questions from the audience, where the police and agency representatives will be called on to address the concerns of the residents.

“We hope that going forward, the partnership that we have with the various agencies and the communities can be stronger, because we cannot do this alone; we need the communities to partner with us in whatever we are doing,” Superintendent Morgan-Simpson said.

Last Updated: April 22, 2022

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