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Solid Waste Management Project Receives $75 Million

March 31, 2004

The Full Story

The National Solid Waste Management Project has been allocated $75 million in the 2004/05 Estimates of Expenditure, now before the House of Representatives.
The project seeks to: improve the management of solid waste throughout the island, develop and implement new operational procedures as well as appropriate legislative and administrative systems, and convert the Riverton City Waste Disposal site into a sanitary landfill and improve the access road to the site.
It is also aimed at creating a Solid Waste Management Agency and rationalizing landfill sites for solid waste disposal as well as developing cost recovery mechanisms to enhance revenue collection.
Up to December 2003, the venture had realized several of its physical targets, inclusive of the designs for the landfill and the cost recovery mechanism, the passing of the National Solid Waste Management Act by Parliament, the tabling of the National Solid Waste policy document in Parliament and the development of a medical waste policy framework.
Completed were the designs for a bridge across the Duhaney River and the trucks weight-scale/scale-house, in addition to the construction of scale house and approaches and the installation of a 100-tonne truck weigh scale. A landfill operation specialist was also engaged to render services in landfill operation techniques, resource efficiency and training.
For the Riverton City landfill, the designs and installation of perimeter lighting at Riverton City was completed and there was installation of secondary electrical distribution system for proposed buildings and equipment as well as the procurement of two tractor dozers, a new compactor, tyre baler and wheel loader and portable lights to facilitate night operations at the site.
It is anticipated that for the 2004/05 period, an on site access road to the north and east of the landfill and a designated waste cell for special and hazardous non toxic waste can be constructed for the Riverton landfill, in addition to supplying and spreading specified cover material over existing footprints to allow for development of 5 landfill cells, storm water controls, berm construction and onsite road network.
At the same time, it is expected that cover materials to reduce fire hazards at the landfill can be applied and a second set of landfill heavy duty equipment be procured, in addition to the commencement of activities for expanded landfill, inclusive of base lining, leachate controls, storm water controls and onsite road network.
It is further anticipated that a closure plan for the Mineral Heights, Lakes Pen and Mt. Eagle sites can be implemented as well as the development of a Solid Waste Management Action Plan with specific attention to Industrial Commercial and Institutional (ICI) waste audit; pilot projects to reduce, reuse and recycle; and ICI waste minimization. Finally there are plans to select and design regional disposal sites and transfer station network, including a reassessment of existing sites.
The programme, which commenced in January 2000 and was slated for completion in January 2004, has been extended to December 2004. It is funded by the Government and the Inter American Development Bank (IDB).

Last Updated: March 31, 2004

Jamaica Information Service