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Residents Encouraged to Access Water Through Appropriate Channels

By: , August 25, 2019

The Key Point:

Deputy Chairman of the National Water Commission (NWC), Steven Fong-Yee, is encouraging residents seeking to acquire water, to do so through legitimate means.
Residents Encouraged to Access Water Through Appropriate Channels
Photo: Serena Grant
Deputy Chairman of the National Water Commission (NWC), Steven Fong-Yee, addressing residents and other stakeholders during the commissioning ceremony for Section H of the NWC’s Norwood Water Supply Improvement Project, in Norwood, St. James, on Friday (August 23).
Residents Encouraged to Access Water Through Appropriate Channels
Photo: Serena Grant
Stakeholders in attendance at the commissioning ceremony for Section H of the National Water Commission’s (NWC), Norwood Water Supply Improvement Project, in Norwood, St. James, on Friday (August 23).

The Facts

  • “Harnessing, treating and distributing water is a costly venture. I, therefore, encourage residents to apply for water through the appropriate channels and pay their bills each month,” Mr. Fong-Yee emphasized.
  • He was speaking at the commissioning ceremony for Section H of the Norwood Water Supply Improvement Project, in Norwood, St. James, on Friday (August 23).

The Full Story

Deputy Chairman of the National Water Commission (NWC), Steven Fong-Yee, is encouraging residents seeking to acquire water, to do so through legitimate means.

“Harnessing, treating and distributing water is a costly venture. I, therefore, encourage residents to apply for water through the appropriate channels and pay their bills each month,” Mr. Fong-Yee emphasized.

He was speaking at the commissioning ceremony for Section H of the Norwood Water Supply Improvement Project, in Norwood, St. James, on Friday (August 23).

Mr. Fong-Yee commended several residents of the community whom he said have already submitted applications for water to be channeled to their homes.

He said these individuals have taken a “step in the right direction”, and encouraged other members of the community to do likewise.

Meanwhile, Mr. Fong-Yee thanked the citizens “for cooperating with the contractor [executing the project]”, adding that “we crave your continued patience as they work to carry out the projected improvements”.

The Norwood Section H Water Supply Improvement Project forms part of the NWC’s strategic imperative to extend access to water in the community.

The development falls under phase one of the Commission’s multimillion dollar Norwood Water Supply Improvement Project, which is being done through contractors Frederick Rodrigues and Associates Limited.

It is also intended to lay the groundwork for regularizing the community’s informal network.

Meanwhile, Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Senator the Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., said the project represents “hope” for the residents.

In his remarks, delivered by Member of Parliament for Central St. James, where a section of the community is situated, Heroy Clarke, Senator Charles said, consequent on the project’s timely implementation, “the citizens of Norwood will, in short order, be able to have access to potable water”.

Last Updated: October 4, 2019

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