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Resident of Brompton Gets New House Under Indigent Programme

By: , June 27, 2023
Resident of Brompton Gets New House Under Indigent Programme
Minister of Local Government and Community Development, Hon. Desmond McKenzie (centre), cuts the ribbon to officially hand over a new indigent housing unit to beneficiary Shawya Farquharson (second right) in Brompton, St. Elizabeth on June 22. Sharing the occasion (from left) are Mayor of Black River, Councillor Derrick Sangster; Councillor of the Brompton Division, Whitney Smith-Currie and Corporate Secretary for the Board of Supervision, Treka Lewis.
Resident of Brompton Gets New House Under Indigent Programme
Minister of Local Government and Community Development, Hon. Desmond McKenzie (left), shows the structure that Indigent Housing Programme beneficiary Shawya Farquharson (second left) previously called home, before the received the keys to her brand-new one-bedroom house in Brompton, St. Elizabeth, on June 22. The new unit is at left.

The Full Story

A grateful Shawya Farquharson of Brompton, St. Elizabeth, has received a new house under the Government’s Indigent Housing Programme.

The programme, which is delivered under the Ministry of Local Government and Community Development’s Municipal Social Assistance (MSA) programme, is designed to address the housing crisis among the poor and most vulnerable. The programme is carried out by the Poor Relief Department.

The one-bedroom unit, which was constructed at a cost of $1.8 million, also boasts a kitchenette, bathroom, living area and front porch.

Speaking at the handover ceremony on June 22, Portfolio Minister, Hon. Desmond McKenzie, noted that the programme was about giving hope to families, while ensuring that there is a “proper roof over their heads”.

“It’s not a matter of just talking about it but demonstrating in the real way our commitment to responding to the plight of persons [in need],” Mr. McKenzie said.

The Minister encouraged Ms. Farquharson and other beneficiaries of the programme to take care of the units they receive.

“While we provide these [houses], I encourage persons who will benefit and those who have benefited to ensure that you treat it well, and I am quite sure that you [Ms. Farquharson] will treat it well,” he said.

Mayor of Black River, Councillor Derrick Sangster, in his remarks noted that the unit is sure to make a difference in Ms. Farquharson’s life and thanked the Minister for ensuring that she received her house.

Ms. Farquharson thanked the Minister, the Poor Relief Department and other stakeholders who played a part in ensuring she became a houseowner.

The unit was the second such structure to be handed over in the parish on June 22. The handover of the units formed part of a visit by the Minister, as well as representatives from the Poor Relief Department, to the parish.

During the visit, the Minister also stopped by the recently renovated Black River Fire station.

Last Updated: June 27, 2023

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