Quality Institute Of BSJ Provides Training On Standards For Construction Industry
By: April 27, 2022 ,The Full Story
The Bureau of Standards Jamaica (BSJ), through its Quality Institute (QI), remains committed to providing appropriate training to build a safe, professional and quality driven construction industry.
The Quality Institute offers training on various standards, including the JS 35 Standard for Hollow Concrete Blocks; the JS 124 Standard for Aggregates for Concrete, and the JS 33 Standard for Hot Rolled Steel Bars for the Reinforcement of Concrete, among others.
Speaking at a JIS ‘Think Tank’, on April 27, Manager, Communication and Customer Service at the BSJ, Maxine Fagan, said that operators in the construction industry, and other industries in general, will need training in standards to be able to provide safe, quality goods and services to consumers.
“The establishment of the BSJ saw the critical importance of including a mandate to provide education and training on standardisation as part of the attendant regulations of the Standards Act,” she pointed out.
Ms. Fagan emphasised that the use of safe, quality construction materials, procedures, methods, and practices must be of utmost importance for the development of buildings, roads, kerb walls, bridges, reservoirs, and all other construction products.
For his part, Branch Manager for Testing and Industrial Services within the Metrology and Testing Division at the BSJ, Richard Lawrence, said that Jamaica has seen a rise in the construction industry within the last five years, and with the projection for continuous increase, the country is being positioned to have greater economic growth.
With this projection, he said, “we recognise the impact that this increase can have, and we have pooled our resources to focus, particularly, on the construction industry, as it is now a high-priority area for the country. The BSJ provides several testing services to support the construction sector”.
He added that even though much focus is being placed on the construction industry, other industries remain of importance to the BSJ.
The BSJ QI training programmes are offered by qualified, competent and renowned trainers/consultants within the Bureau in a variety of modalities that are created for the convenience and optimal training experiences and returns on investment for each trainee/participant.
“We [BSJ] invite industry players to engage with the Quality Institute, as the value of training in facilitating adherence to standards cannot be overemphasised. It is our fervent desire to facilitate a culture where standards are recognised as important,” Ms. Fagan said.
“We also want to see businesses across the various sectors taking that extra step to implement and utilise standards in their business operations and consider the BSJ QI as a resource they can tap into to guide them in this process and bolster their knowledge base.” she added.
Individuals and orgranisations interested in participating in the BSJ QI, may contact training facilitating officers, Miss Tarene Douglas or Miss Michelle Taylor at (876) 926-3140-6 or send their request via email to tdouglas@bsj.org.jm or mtaylor@bsj.org.jm. Additional information may also be accessed at https://www.bsj.org.jm/.