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NWA to Complete Road and Drainage Works in St. James by August

By: , July 18, 2019

The Key Point:

Road repair and drainage improvement works being undertaken by the National Works Agency (NWA) along several thoroughfares in St. James are expected to be completed by August 2019.
NWA to Complete Road and Drainage Works in St. James by August
Photo: Contributed
Community Relations Officer of the National Works Agency’s (NWA) Western Office, Janel Ricketts.

The Facts

  • The projects, which started between April and June, are being executed under the NWA’s Maintenance of Secondary Roads Programme at a cost of approximately $100 million.
  • Works include reshaping and asphalting of roadways and construction and cleaning of drains.

The Full Story

Road repair and drainage improvement works being undertaken by the National Works Agency (NWA) along several thoroughfares in St. James are expected to be completed by August 2019.

The projects, which started between April and June, are being executed under the NWA’s Maintenance of Secondary Roads Programme at a cost of approximately $100 million.

Works include reshaping and asphalting of roadways and construction and cleaning of drains.

Speaking with JIS News, Community Relations Officer of the NWA’s Western Region, Janel Ricketts, said that the programme is an ongoing one that seeks to upgrade parochial roads in several communities.

She said that the current phase of the programme targets Farm Heights Boulevard, Montego Hills, Somerton to Virgin Valley, and the Blue Hole corridor.

“So far, we have accomplished quite a bit in that we are far advanced in terms of works to repair the Blue Hole, Montego Hills and Somerton roadways.

The Blue Hole roadway is substantially complete, while we are far advanced with the 350-metre stretch of the Montego Hills roadway, and the 800-metre Somerton to Virgin Valley main road,” Ms. Ricketts told JIS News.

She informed that work is in the preliminary stages on the repair of a two-kilometre stretch along the Farm Heights roadway.

Last Updated: July 18, 2019

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