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Musical Fundraiser For War Vets At Kingston Parish Church Sunday

By: , October 9, 2019

The Key Point:

A musical fundraiser in aid of local World War veterans will be held on Sunday (October 13), at the Kingston Parish Church, 70B King Street, starting at 4:00 p.m.

The Facts

  • The event, dubbed, ‘Enchanted Poppy … A Musical Presentation Celebrating 100 Years since the end of World War I’, is being hosted by Custos of Kingston, Steadman Fuller, in collaboration with the Kingston Lay Magistrates’ Association of Jamaica.
  • Director at the Association, Mark Clarke, told JIS News that the proceeds from the event will go towards supporting the work of the Jamaica Legion, which assists war veterans.

The Full Story

A musical fundraiser in aid of local World War veterans will be held on Sunday (October 13), at the Kingston Parish Church, 70B King Street, starting at 4:00 p.m.

The event, dubbed, ‘Enchanted Poppy … A Musical Presentation Celebrating 100 Years since the end of World War I’, is being hosted by Custos of Kingston, Steadman Fuller, in collaboration with the Kingston Lay Magistrates’ Association of Jamaica.

Director at the Association, Mark Clarke, told JIS News that the proceeds from the event will go towards supporting the work of the Jamaica Legion, which assists war veterans.

“Persons can expect a musical feast of various genres of music. The evening will be entertaining and delightful. The audience is guaranteed to have a good time, as we will have top-quality music from top-quality performers,” he noted.

The evening’s performance lineup includes the Military Band, Karen Smith, Gem Myers, José Carlos Oxamendi Vicet, Pam Hall and D’vine Concepts.

Tickets are $2,000 per person and are available at Kingston Bookshop locations at 74 King Street, Liguanea Post Office Mall, Pavilion Mall, and The Springs Plaza in Kingston; and 31 East Trade Way and the Portmore Town Centre, St. Catherine.

The Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC) has provided parking in the vicinity of the Kingston Parish Church. The Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) will be providing shuttle service from Up Park Camp for persons who park at that location, commencing at 3:00 p.m.

Members of the audience are asked to be seated at 3:45 p.m. to ensure an early start.

The Enchanted Poppy is an annual fundraiser under the ‘Poppy Appeal Drive’, which is the major source of income for the Jamaica Legion.

Funds raised go towards the provision of dental, medical, and optical assistance for ex-soldiers, some of whom reside at Curphey Place in Manchester, and for maintenance of the facility.

The Jamaica Legion, which was established in October of 1949, is an affiliate of the British Commonwealth Ex-Service League.

Last Updated: October 9, 2019

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