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More St. Ann Communities Join Plastic Bottle Separation Drive

By: , July 27, 2021
More St. Ann Communities Join Plastic Bottle Separation Drive
Photo: Contributed
Customer Relations Officer at North Eastern Parks and Markets (NEPM) Waste Management Limited, Donasha Biggs (right), helping workmen to load 35 bags of plastic bottles onto a Recycling Partners of Jamaica truck in Ocho Rios, St. Ann, on Friday (July 23).

The Full Story

Customer Relations Officer at North Eastern Parks and Markets (NEPM) Waste Management Limited (NEPM), Donasha Biggs, is reporting that more St. Ann communities have joined the plastic bottle separation drive.

She told JIS News that since the initiative’s launch in the parish in February 2020, several other communities have come on board to participate and raise awareness.

“This initiative started… in the Drax Hall Manor community. Now, to date, we have added the communities of Great Pond, Content, Buckfield, Mansfield Heights, Brook Green and some gated communities to include Crystal Cove and Santa Maria,” Ms. Biggs said.

The plastic collection drive in St. Ann is part of the national plastic separation and recycling campaign being undertaken by the National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA) in collaboration with Recycling Partners of Jamaica.

On Friday (July 23), Recycling Partners removed some 35 bags of plastic bottles from a recycling bin at the NEPM headquarters in Ocho Rios.

The bin was provided by Recycling Partners on June 15 for  members of the public to deposit their containers.

Ms. Biggs told JIS News that NEPM is now engaging the business community of Ocho Rios to partner on the plastic separation and recycling programme.

She noted that units will be dispatched to collect bottles from the various business places to alleviate the impact of plastic on the environment.

“Once it (receptacle) is full we communicate with Recycling Partners of Jamaica and, of course, they will dispatch their teams to collect the bottles,” Ms. Biggs said.

Ms. Biggs said that NEPM will continue to raise awareness about the campaign through a town crier as well as social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp.

“We look forward to spreading our wings to other parishes and to other communities across our region and to ensure that the success of plastic bottle separation in Jamaica is attained through our collaboration with citizens, community groups and other stakeholders,” she told JIS News.

Last Updated: July 27, 2021

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