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Minister Charles Jr. Urges Greater Focus On Restoring Ecosystems

By: , June 4, 2021
Minister Charles Jr. Urges Greater Focus On Restoring Ecosystems
Minister of Housing, Urban Renewal, Environment and Climate Change, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr.

The Full Story

As Jamaica joins the rest of the world in observing World Environment Day on June 5, Minister of Housing, Urban Renewal, Environment and Climate Change, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr. is calling on individuals and organisations to pay greater attention to restoring the country’s ecosystems.

World Environment Day 2021 will herald the beginning of the United Nations decade on Ecosystem Restoration.

Minister Charles Jr. said that a robust environment with healthy ecosystems is everyone’s concern.

“Ecosystems are fundamentally important to our quality of life, particularly here in Jamaica where our people depend heavily on our natural resources.  Ecosystems provide critical services, including clean air and water, fuel, livelihoods and recreational activities that benefit us all,” he noted.

“On this World Environment Day, I urge government organisations, the private sector, as well as all citizens, to do what you can, when you can and where you can, to increase your stewardship of our environment,” he urged.

Minister Charles Jr. said that assisting in healing ecosystems and preserving the country’s natural resources “will ensure the future that we all want in a Jamaica that is truly ‘the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business’.”

He noted that much is being done by communities and civil society organisations that have been “working assiduously to restore the balance of nature in areas that have been severely degraded and are under serious threat”.

He said that the national tree-planting initiative being undertaken by the Government in collaboration with public and private-sector stakeholders and civil society, is one such programme targeting the restoration of the ecosystem.

“However, we must also focus on the preservation of trees we already have in our ecosystem,” Minister Charles Jr. said.

Last Updated: June 4, 2021

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