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Kendal Primary School Contract Signing Ceremony

June 22, 2024
Kendal Primary School Contract Signing Ceremony
Photo: Adrian Walker
Managing Director, Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF), Omar Sweeney, addresses a contract signing ceremony for the Kendal Primary School rehabilitation project, at JSIF’s Oxford Road offices on Thursday (June 20). Approximately $117,230,914 will be spent to carry out major rehabilitation works to the school plant, which is located in Hanover. The project is being implemented through the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)-funded Basic Needs Trust Fund Cycle 10 (BNTF10)
Kendal Primary School Contract Signing Ceremony
Photo: Adrian Walker
Minister of Education and Youth, Hon. Fayval Williams (right, seated), along with (from left, seated) Managing Director, GDM Associates Limited, Gwayane Murdock; Managing Director, C&D Construction and Engineering Limited, Clive Wint; and Managing Director, Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF), Omar Sweeney, sign a contract for the Kendal Primary School rehabilitation project, during a ceremony at JSIF’s Oxford Road offices in Kingston on Thursday (June 20). Observing (from left, in background) are: Kendal Primary School Principal, Nichole Stewart, and Board Chair, Marvia Brown McKenzie; and Project Manager, Basic Needs Trust Fund, JSIF, Daintyann Barrett Smith. The school is situated in Hanover.
Kendal Primary School Contract Signing Ceremony
Photo: Adrian Walker
Minister of Education and Youth, Hon. Fayval Williams, addresses a contract signing ceremony for the Kendal Primary School rehabilitation project at JSIF’s Oxford Road offices in Kingston on Thursday (June 20). The school is situated in Hanover.
Kendal Primary School Contract Signing Ceremony
Photo: Adrian Walker
Minister of Education and Youth, Hon. Fayval Williams (right, seated) along with (from left, seated) Managing Director, GDM Associates Limited, Gwayane Murdock; Managing Director, C&D Construction and Engineering Limited, Clive Wint, and Managing Director, Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF), Omar Sweeney, display the signed contract for the Kendal Primary School rehabilitation project during a ceremony at JSIF’s Oxford Road offices in Kingston on Thursday (June 20). Observing (from left, in background) are: Kendal Primary School Principal, Nichole Stewart, and Board Chair, Marvia Brown McKenzie; and Project Manager, Basic Needs Trust Fund, JSIF, Daintyann Barrett Smith.
Last Updated: June 22, 2024