Managing Director, Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF), Omar Sweeney, addresses a contract signing ceremony for the Kendal Primary School rehabilitation project, at JSIF’s Oxford Road offices on Thursday (June 20). Approximately $117,230,914 will be spent to carry out major rehabilitation works to the school plant, which is located in Hanover. The project is being implemented through the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)-funded Basic Needs Trust Fund Cycle 10 (BNTF10)
Photo: Adrian Walker
Minister of Education and Youth, Hon. Fayval Williams (right, seated), along with (from left, seated) Managing Director, GDM Associates Limited, Gwayane Murdock; Managing Director, C&D Construction and Engineering Limited, Clive Wint; and Managing Director, Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF), Omar Sweeney, sign a contract for the Kendal Primary School rehabilitation project, during a ceremony at JSIF’s Oxford Road offices in Kingston on Thursday (June 20). Observing (from left, in background) are: Kendal Primary School Principal, Nichole Stewart, and Board Chair, Marvia Brown McKenzie; and Project Manager, Basic Needs Trust Fund, JSIF, Daintyann Barrett Smith. The school is situated in Hanover.
Photo: Adrian Walker
Minister of Education and Youth, Hon. Fayval Williams, addresses a contract signing ceremony for the Kendal Primary School rehabilitation project at JSIF’s Oxford Road offices in Kingston on Thursday (June 20). The school is situated in Hanover.
Photo: Adrian Walker
Minister of Education and Youth, Hon. Fayval Williams (right, seated) along with (from left, seated) Managing Director, GDM Associates Limited, Gwayane Murdock; Managing Director, C&D Construction and Engineering Limited, Clive Wint, and Managing Director, Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF), Omar Sweeney, display the signed contract for the Kendal Primary School rehabilitation project during a ceremony at JSIF’s Oxford Road offices in Kingston on Thursday (June 20). Observing (from left, in background) are: Kendal Primary School Principal, Nichole Stewart, and Board Chair, Marvia Brown McKenzie; and Project Manager, Basic Needs Trust Fund, JSIF, Daintyann Barrett Smith.