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JCF Implores Persons Not to Make Prank Calls

By: , August 26, 2024
JCF Implores Persons Not to Make Prank Calls
Photo: JIS File
Manager of the JCF’s Call Centre, Tania Ricketts, indicates that within a one-minute period, the police receive at least five prank calls.
JCF Implores Persons Not to Make Prank Calls
Photo: JIS File
Deputy Superintendent of Police, Stacey-Ann Powell, says sometimes the police receive prank calls of persons ordering fast food or even making sexual advances.

The Full Story

The Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) is again calling on persons not to make prank calls to the 119-emergency number.

In an interview with JIS News, Manager of the JCF’s Call Centre, Tania Ricketts, indicated that within a one-minute period, the police receive at least five prank calls.

“The persons who make the prank calls, they don’t stay on the line very long. Not a lot of them do. We have those calls every minute, every shift, every day, it’s just constant,” Ms. Ricketts said.

She noted that the prank calls usually peak in the summer period while children are on holidays. She explained that the 119 number is meant for emergencies, as there are other numbers available to the public that can be used for non-emergency-related matters.

For her part, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Stacey-Ann Powell, gave details on the nature of some of the prank calls.

“From ordering fast foods where some kids want their favorite fast food. We have issues as it relates to sexual advances, our call-takers go through that sexual harassment. There are people who just call for general information, not anything that is an emergency, that can be dealt with otherwise,’’ Deputy Superintendent Powell said.

“When the children are at school, they will call and ask for assistance with their homework; if they’re having their simple disputes, they will let us know that this person hit me,” she added.

In the meantime, Ms. Ricketts is urging the public to be mindful of the impact prank calls have on persons who are in legitimate emergency situations.

“For each prank call, it’s a cost. It not only comes at a financial cost or a psychological cost, but it comes at a cost. It could be somebody’s life that you’re stopping from being saved. It could be someone that you know,” she said.

She is also urging parents to pay attention to their children and monitor their phone usage.

“Sometimes you can just go through your children’s phone. You may very well see a 119 number. We are asking for your support in that, so we can cut that time and be able to assist more,” Ms. Ricketts said.

Last Updated: August 26, 2024

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