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Jamaicans in South Florida share Air Jamaica’s re-launch

January 26, 2011

The Full Story

Jamaica’s Consul General, Sandra Grant Griffiths, has called on Jamaicans in the Diaspora to recommit to the Air Jamaica/Caribbean Airways (CAL) brand, as evidence of CAL’s confidence in the country. 

Speaking to a large crowd of Jamaicans and friends of the Diaspora at the re-launch reception on Friday (January 21) at the Renaissance Hotel, Plantation,

Mrs. Griffiths said that Jamaica welcomes Trinidad’s investment as a concrete step towards creating a regional airline.

She said that the recommitment to the airline alliance would benefit Jamaica’s tourist industry, and revealed data showing a profitable trend. The national target for stop-over arrivals in 2011 is expected to reach two million while, in 2012, the Golden Jubilee year, visitor arrivals is expected to be at five million with US$5 billion in earnings.

Mrs. Griffiths also said that general achievement figures reflected a 4.7 per cent  growth in 2010, equal to 1.92 million stopover visitors and US$1.98 billion in earnings for Jamaica.

The Consul General said the relationship was advantageous, as both countries were Caribbean and share both history and certain cultural norms.  The merged airlines will now be operating under the theme “One Caribbean Airline – two brands, everything you love and more.”     

Also speaking at the re-launch was Air Jamaica’s Senior Sales Manager, William Rogers, who expressed confidence that the renewed commitment would demonstrate the effectiveness of a redefined Air Jamaica. 

Assuring his audience of Air Jamaica’s continued high standard of quality service, Mr. Rogers explained that patrons would receive what they are accustomed to “and a little above the rest”.

He announced that the airline would return to its London, Heathrow route as of July this year.  Simultaneously, Air Jamaica will also continue to service the Chicago and Baltimore routes, with Montego Bay remaining the hub for the airline.

 Account Executive, Kaye Chong, said that Air Jamaica has profited not only from vacationers and frequent travelling business class, but also the many Diaspora charitable and service organisations which are steadfast in their commitment to the country’s economic development.

“This is a significant and exciting time, as we continue to promote the unity of the Caribbean through Caribbean Airlines and the strength of ‘Brand Jamaica’ through Air Jamaica,” she added.

Acting Consul General of the Consulate of Trinidad, Garth Lamsee, also endorsed the coming together of the airlines, as a symbol of strength that defines the Caribbean community.

Congratulations were also shared by Director of the Hollywood Fort Lauderdale International Airport, Isi Bonia, who spoke of expansion projects taking place at the facility, to improve customer service.                           

Also sharing in the evening’s entertainment was staff of Air Jamaica and Caribbean Airlines, public officials of Florida State, as well as Dade and Broward counties, Consular representatives of the Consulate of Barbados and Jamaica, tour operators, a large gathering of loyal and passionate travelling Air Jamaica patrons residing in the Diaspora and Miss Jamaica World and second runner-up in Miss Universe 2010, Yendi Phillipps, who chaired the proceedings. Similar launches will take place shortly in New York and Toronto.







Last Updated: August 12, 2013

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