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JACRA Distributes 160 Bags of Fertilizer to St. Andrew Farmers

By: , August 20, 2024
JACRA Distributes 160 Bags of Fertilizer to St. Andrew Farmers
Photo: Contributed
A St Andrew coffee farmer collects his bag of fertilizer provided by JACRA for his farm.
JACRA Distributes 160 Bags of Fertilizer to St. Andrew Farmers
Photo: Contributed
JACRA Field Advisory Officer Shevanne Stanigar interacts with a St Andrew farmer during JACRA's distribution of fertilizer in his area. 

The Full Story

In response to the severe impact of Hurricane Beryl on the agriculture sector, the Jamaica Agricultural Commodities Regulatory Authority (JACRA) has initiated a comprehensive recovery assistance program.

On Friday, August 16, JACRA distributed 160 bags of 50-pound fertilizer to farmers in various areas of St Andrew.

A farmer happily carries two bags of fertilizer back to his home following distribution by JACRA in the hills of St Andrew.

This first round of aid reached 70 registered farmers, each receiving two bags of fertilizer, with additional distributions planned for the coming weeks.

“This is just the first phase of JACRA’s efforts to strengthen the industry’s recovery,” said Mr. Wayne Hunter, Acting Director General at JACRA.

“Hurricane Beryl has affected us all profoundly, and we are committed to providing meaningful and substantial support to our farmers and stakeholders.”

The hurricane’s powerful winds and heavy rains depleted the soil of essential nutrients.

JACRA Customer Service Officer, Lori-Ann Jones, takes the details of a St Andrew coffee farmer slated to receive fertilizer. 

The fertilizer distributed will replenish these nutrients, promoting healthy plant growth and recovery.

“Our coffee farmers have demonstrated remarkable resilience in the face of adversity, and we are inspired by their perseverance. With their determination and our continued support, we are confident they can overcome these challenges,” Mr. Hunter added.

JACRA will continue its efforts by distributing additional fertilizer and seedlings to farmers across the island in the upcoming weeks.

Last Updated: August 20, 2024