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GOJ Support For The Mentally Ill In Crisis Situations

June 24, 2022

The Full Story



The police and the Community Mental Health Crisis Team (CMHCT) provide assistance in crisis situations to persons who are mentally ill and are displaying signs of mental decline in public spaces or at home.

Mental Health Crises in Private Homes

 If you or your loved one requires mental health support, call the Mental Health Suicide Prevention Helpline: 888-NEW-LIFE (639-5433) or go to the Ministry of Health and Wellness webpage to schedule a free counselling session.

Mental Health Crises in Public Spaces
In public spaces, you can help mentally ill persons who appear disoriented or upset and might be a danger to him/herself and others by following these steps.

  • Concerned citizens should call the police.
  • The police will ask you to provide as much information as possible.
  • The police will contact the CMHCT, which is a unit of health departments and/or health centres islandwide.
  • The CMHCT will contact the affected persons by telephone to gather additional information.
  • The CMHCT will travel to the location and engages with the person as the goal is to restrain him or her safely, offer medical support and transportation to the hospital if necessary.
  • The police will also help the CMHCT to move persons from the vicinity and secure any nearby property as needed.

For additional information, contact:

Ministry of Health and Wellness
10-16 Grenada Way
Kingston 5
Tel: 876 633 8103/876 633 7433
Email: pr@moh.gov.jm
Website: www.moh.gov.jm
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/themohgovjm
Instagram/Twitter: (@themohgovjm)



Last Updated: July 1, 2022