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Hundreds of Volunteers Expected for Great Mangrove Cleanup along Kingston Harbour on April 27

By: , April 22, 2024
Hundreds of Volunteers Expected for Great Mangrove Cleanup along Kingston Harbour on April 27
Photo: Adrian Walker
Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Senator the Hon. Matthew Samuda, delivers the keynote address during Monday’s (April 22) media launch of The Great Mangrove Cleanup, held at GraceKennedy Limited on Harbour Street in Kingston.
Hundreds of Volunteers Expected for Great Mangrove Cleanup along Kingston Harbour on April 27
Photo: Adrian Walker
Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Senator the Hon. Matthew Samuda, converses with Chief Executive Officer of GraceKennedy Foundation, Caroline Mahfood, during Monday’s (April 22) media launch of The Great Mangrove Cleanup, held at GraceKennedy Limited on Harbour Street in Kingston.

The Full Story

One thousand five hundred volunteers are expected to participate in the Great Mangrove Cleanup slated for Saturday, April 27, along Kingston Harbour.

The initiative is organised by the Kingston Harbour Cleanup Project (KHCP), in collaboration with the GraceKennedy Foundation, the Ocean Cleanup and Clean Harbours Jamaica.

It aims to clean and gather data on the type and quantity of waste found at mangrove sites, to inform their pollution-prevention efforts.

Addressing Monday’s (April 22) media launch, held at GraceKennedy Limited on Harbour Street in Kingston, Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Senator the Hon. Matthew Samuda, shared that Kingston Harbour is the seventh largest natural harbour in the world.

“It’s beautiful but not healthy. It hasn’t been healthy for a long time and the reality is bringing everyone together in the way that this Great Mangrove Cleanup does. This is exactly what is required if we’re going to undo about a century of what shouldn’t have been done,” he said.

Mr. Samuda encouraged Jamaicans to participate in the initiative, as mangroves across Jamaica provide US$33 million of protection.

He pointed out that mangroves are a “positive, nature-based solution that buys us time, that keeps us stable and it de-risks several billions of dollars of investments”.

In her remarks, Chief Executive Officer of GraceKennedy Foundation, Caroline Mahfood, shared that KHCP engaged Scotiabank Jamaica, Jamaica National Group, Cemex Caribbean Cement Company, Wisynco, Pepsi Jamaica and Petrojam to coordinate cleanups at various mangrove sites along the harbour.

The KHCP, in partnership with the GraceKennedy Foundation will also lead a cleanup at Gun Boat Beach and Buccaneer Beach.

Mrs. Mahfood underscored that it is critical for Jamaicans to turn the tide against pollution and support practices that will maintain the ecological health of the Kingston Harbour.

“This is just the beginning. The next event that we intend to launch is a trash tournament which will target our fishermen, our boat and yacht owners to clean up areas more accessible by sea,” she said.

Mrs. Mahfood urged Jamaicans to renew their commitment to the environment and pledge to be a part of a sustainable future where clean waterways will be the norm, not an exception.

Saturday’s cleanup will commence at 6:30 a.m. and registered volunteers will be provided with refreshments, a T-shirt and necessary equipment.

To participate, persons can register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-great-mangrove-cleanup-registration-872254114537.


Last Updated: April 23, 2024

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