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Historic Methodist Church in St. Mary Rededicated

January 8, 2009

The Full Story

The historic Beecham Hill Methodist Church in Flint River, St. Mary, was rededicated on Sunday (Jan. 4), after extensive refurbishing work to repair damage from several hurricanes.
The 160-year old church, which was built by ex-slaves in 1841, stands as a monument to the resilience and fortitude of those who laboured to preserve their religious integrity.
The rededication service was attended by a large congregation including community members, representatives of other churches, and members of several Government and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs).
Delivering the sermon, President of the Jamaica District Conference of Methodist Churches, Rev. Dr. Byron Chambers, commended the members of the community for their care and protection of the facility over the years and exhorted them to be proud of the church’s rich history and legacy.
He further encouraged them to fully devote their lives to God, in the same way that they have rededicated the church to Him, and remain cognisant of the fact that the church, like the earth, belongs to God, and not to man.
Stating that Christ has commissioned his followers to spread the good news and make disciples, Dr. Chambers urged the congregation to work to build the church, even as they give thanks for the refurbished building and celebrate the start of a New Year.
In rejecting the view that the church is an irrelevant institution in a modern world, Dr. Chambers said a church that teaches the truth about Christ is not only relevant, but desperately needed in these times.
In giving the welcome earlier in the service, Pastor of the Beecham Hill Methodist Church, Winston Nembhard, expressed appreciation to the congregation for attending the service, and paid tribute to the founding fathers of the church for the gift they have given to the community.

Last Updated: January 8, 2009

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