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Hanover Parish Development Committee Gets New President

By: , August 9, 2023
Hanover Parish Development Committee Gets New President
Photo: Sharon Earle
The Old Lucea Courthouse, which houses the Hanover Municipal Corporation’s offices (February 24, 2022).

The Full Story

Retired Educator and recipient of the prestigious Governor-General’s Achievement Award (GGAA), Christeen Hooper-Johnson, is the new President of the Hanover Parish Development Committee (HPDC).

Her election to the post was announced at the July meeting of the Hanover Municipal Corporation (HMC).

Mayor of Lucea, Sheridan Samuels, in welcoming Mrs. Hooper-Johnson, said while the expectations of the HMC were high, he believed that the new President would be equal to the task.

The Mayor said he was pleased to note that members of the Executive were from communities across both Hanover Eastern and Western, which he believed signalled greater effectiveness.

“With ongoing plans for the celebration of the 300th anniversary of Hanover’s incorporation as a parish this year, I welcome the involvement of the Hanover PDC, not only in the planning and execution of events but in mobilising communities to participate in the celebrations,” he added.

For her part, Mrs. Hooper-Johnson noted that the new all-female Executive was installed on June 27, 2023 and constituted immediate Past President, Petra Vernon Foster; Vice President in charge of youth relations, Allia Hutchinson; Secretary, Nichola Maxwell; Treasurer, Dacia Cunningham, and Public Relations Officer, Angella Crooks.

She pointed out that nominations were still open for the positions of Vice President for Parish Relations and Assistant Secretary.

Mrs. Hooper-Johnson listed among the main priorities of her Executive, the completion of its action plan for the 2023 administrative year.

She pledged to work with the parish agencies to make Hanover the parish of choice to reside in, raise families, vacation and do business.

In 2019, Mrs. Hooper-Johnson received the Governor-General’s Achievement Award for Excellence in Community Development, Mediation and Restorative Justice, and Mentorship Programmes.

She is a Justice of the Peace, Lay Magistrate, and Chairperson for the Cacoon Community Development Committee (CDC), and the Boards of Governors for the Cacoon Infant and Primary, and Riverside Primary Schools.

Mrs. Hooper-Johnson replaces Mrs. Vernon Foster who did not seek re-election.


Last Updated: August 9, 2023

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