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Gov’t Committed to Modernising Jamaica’s Law Enforcement and Justice Systems

By: , September 9, 2022
Gov’t Committed to Modernising Jamaica’s Law Enforcement and Justice Systems
Photo: Adrian Walker
Minister of National Security, Hon. Dr. Horace Chang, addresses the House of Representatives on September 6. At left is State Minister in the Ministry of National Security, Hon. Zavia Mayne.

The Full Story

The Government remains committed to modernising Jamaica’s law enforcement and criminal justice systems, according to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Security, Hon. Dr. Horace Chang.

This, he says, is evidenced by the Government’s investment in the country’s national security apparatus, inclusive of increasing police mobility, training, and forensic technology.

Approximately $1.5 billion is earmarked to construct and upgrade police facilities during fiscal year 2022/23.

“In these modern times, science has become as important as first-person affidavits. Forensic science will not only assist us to lock away hardened criminals but will protect witnesses from the ‘informer fi dead’ culture,” Dr. Chang told JIS News.

He pointed out that the Ministry has invested heavily in upgrading and modernising the Institute of Forensic Science and Legal Medicine (IFSLM) in order to “increase our reliance on irrefutable science to investigate crimes and secure convictions”.

The Government is also currently constructing a $547-million state-of-the-art forensic pathology autopsy suite in Kingston.

“With the addition of the long-awaited autopsy suite, there will be a significant increase in the lab’s capacity to conduct autopsies and provide evidence in criminal matters at a much faster rate,” Minister Chang stated.

Meanwhile, Head of the IFSLM, Dr. Judith Mowatt, said the facility’s highly anticipated completion will bolster Jamaica’s crime-fighting efforts.

“With the project’s completion, the Government will be better able to address concerns regarding the investigation of sudden and unexpected, suspicious, unexplained, litigious or criminal deaths,” she indicated.

Last Updated: September 9, 2022