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Ministry Overview

The premier government organisation in the Caribbean that facilitates the development of communities that can deliver sustainable first world services through modern, participatory, autonomous and adaptive systems, for the benefit of all citizens.

To provide a sound policy, legal, technical and administrative framework that supports excellent service delivery and operational management by the Local Authorities and portfolio agencies, in a manner that advances the ideals of effective local governance and the goals of sustainable, community development, through a purpose-driven and competent work force.

Role & Functions:

The Ministry of Local Government and Community Development acts as the agent of local development. This covers the areas of:

-Development planning
-Minor water supplies
-Municipal parks & beautification
-Parochial road maintenance
-Poor relief
-Street lighting
-Solid waste management
-Fire services
-Disaster preparedness and emergency management
-Local government amenities i.e. abattoirs, pounds and cemeteries

Local government reform was added when a Reform Unit was established 1994 guided by a policy paper written a year earlier as well as extensive discussions on the issues over the years.

The responsibility for local development has been linked to other subjects in the past in keeping with the policy position and priority of successive Political Administration.

Local Government and Rural Development News

Jamaica Information Service