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Senator Wehby Commends Management of Economy

By: , November 13, 2022
Senator Wehby Commends Management of Economy
Photo: Mark Bell
Government Senator, Don Wehby, makes his contribution to the State of the Nation Debate in the Upper House on November 11.

The Full Story

Government Senator, Don Wehby, has hailed the Administration’s management of the economy, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, noting that “we’ve come out of the crisis better than most nations.”

Among the positive indicators, he said, are economic growth of 5.4 per cent for the first quarter of 2022; US$4 billion in revenues; business confidence increasing by 18.3 per cent in the third quarter; and consumer confidence at 162.6 per cent in the third quarter, which is a 4.2 percentage point increase over the second quarter of 2022.

Senator Wheby further cited the fall in the unemployment rate to six per cent in April of this year, the lowest in Jamaica’s history, and Net International Reserves (NIR) at US$3.77 billion as at October.

He contended that with the country moving in the right direction, and as the debt continues to be reduced, more resources will become available for social services such as crime fighting initiatives.

He was making his contribution to the State of the Nation Debate in the Upper House on November 11.

Senator Wehby said the Government remains focused on making Jamaica a place of peace, opportunity and prosperity, and hailed the steps being taken to revise legislation that will support the restoration of law and order in the society.

These include the Bail Act, the Firearms Act, Road Traffic Act, and amendments to the Criminal Administration (Suppression of Criminal Organisations) Act.

“I also support the recently announced amnesty to get the illegal guns off the streets and look forward to the success of the initiative,” he said.

Senator Wheby noted that key to crime fighting is ensuring that resources are deployed in an effective way, and as such, has called for the setting up of a special implementation committee to determine the utilisation of resources for national security.

Last Updated: November 15, 2022