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Energy Minister Says IRP Should Be Completed in June

By: , May 16, 2019
Energy Minister Says IRP Should Be Completed in June
Photo: Mark Bell
Minister of Science, Energy and Technology, Hon. Fayval Williams (left, standing), makes her contribution to the 2019/20 Sectoral Debate in the House of Representatives on May 14. With the Minister are State Minister in the Ministry of National Security, Hon. Rudyard Spencer (right, front); Member of Parliament for East Portland, Ann Marie Vaz; South East St. Mary Member of Parliament, Dr. Norman Dunn; and Minister of State in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Alando Terrelonge.

The Full Story

Minister of Science, Energy and Technology, Hon. Fayval Williams, says the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) is in an advanced stage of development and is expected to be completed in June 2019.

She made the disclosure during her contribution to the 2019/20 Sectoral Debate in the House of Representatives on May 14.

“This will provide the framework for informed decisions to be made, so that Jamaicans will only pay for the electricity that they need. The data to be derived from the IRP will also inform the revision of the National Energy Policy, which will be undertaken in this financial year,” Mrs. Williams said.

The IRP addresses the planning needs of the electricity sector, considers the amount of electricity that will be required, the placement (siting) of the generation plants, and the cost to Jamaicans, among other things.

Meanwhile, the Minister said the Jamaica Public Service (JPS) is commissioning more efficient power plants.

“In July 2019, some 190 megawatts (MW) will be commissioned at Old Harbour, which replaces old and inefficient power plants. This improves the electricity-generation landscape and provides more stability and reliability for the electricity grid,” Mrs. Williams said.

In addition, the Minister said that 94 MW will also be commissioned in 2020, which will also improve the fleet of plants that are available to supply the Jamaican people with electricity.

Last Updated: May 16, 2019

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