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Economic Planning Division Wins Ministry of Finance Quiz

February 24, 2006

The Full Story

After three weeks of intense competition, the curtains have come down on the Ministry of Finance and Planning’s second annual quiz competition, with the Economic Management Division emerging the winning team.

At the finals held at the Ministry’s National Heroes office yesterday (Feb. 23) the winning team, comprised of Orlin Weise, Nicholas Isaacs, Nadine James, and Ian Scarlett, trounced their opponents from the Taxation Policy Division, recording a score of 43 to 14 points.

It was a repeat victory for the Economic Management Division, which had won the inaugural contest last year. It was also the second time that the Taxation Policy Division was in the runner-up position.

A rapt audience comprised of co-workers turned up to lend support to and cheer on their favourite team. While the winning team commanded the lion’s share of prizes that included trophies, cellular phones, credit union and cash award certificates, gift baskets, cakes, magazine packages and hotel day-passes, the organisers ensured that members of all eight teams, which had competed over the course of the quiz, took home prizes as well.
In a brief address that preceded the presentation of prizes, Financial Secretary in the Ministry, Colin Bullock congratulated the teams. “This would be an incentive for you to redouble your efforts to challenge the Economic Division once again next year,” he told the runner-up teams.

Mr. Bullock further commended the in-house organisers of the competition, noting that the information content of the quiz was excellent, and he had learnt a lot. “It is a competition that makes for greater cohesion within the Ministry of Finance. We learn a lot more about each other and about government. we participate and win or lose in the spirit which was intended for this competition,” he added.

Meanwhile, Orlin Weise, a member of the wining team, told JIS News that he was elated at the victory. Mr. Weise, who was also voted the most outstanding player of the competition, joked that, “from last year, when we won, people have been challenging us, sending threats so we had to ensure that we stuck with the programme (to prepare).” Preparation, he said, involved the team meeting at least three times weekly for brainstorming sessions. Shawna Trowers, a member of the second place team, told JIS News that while victory had eluded the Taxation Policy Division at its second attempt, “we were beaten by a team which really knew the information so in that respect, we are not taking it that bad.we are good in defeat.”

The Ministry’s annual quiz competition tests the knowledge of workers in areas such as finance, sports, spelling and general knowledge.

Last Updated: August 13, 2019

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