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Bluefields Community Association Benefits from $200,000 Computer Donation

February 24, 2006

The Full Story

The Bluefields People’s Community Association (BPCA) has benefited from the donation of five computers valued at approximately $200,000 from Sandals Whitehouse and the Canadian-based Carlson Marketing Group.
The presentation was made at the BPCA offices in Bluefields, Westmoreland, on February 21. The donation, which serves as a replacement of similar equipment stolen from the centre recently, will enhance the BPCA computer project, which benefits some 600 students from educational institutions and community groups across Westmoreland.
Air Jamaica was instrumental in transporting the five computers free of charge from Canada.
General Manager of Sandals Whitehouse, Jeremy Jones, commended the partnerships, which have been established between the BPCA and supporting groups, resulting in the sustainability of such a vital project.
“When you have partners like Air Jamaica and Carlson Marketing Group, its sometimes ‘better than pocket money’ because it would have been a very difficult task to find the financial resources to actually purchase these computers and put them back into circulation.we are happy for this partnership we have with the Bluefields Citizen Association, with Air Jamaica, and with Carlson”, he said.
“We therefore hope that persons who get the opportunity to use these computers will benefit from it and will ensure that they are guarded and protected,” Mr. Jones noted.
According to chairman of the BPCA, Keith Wedderburn, the computer project would be expanded to accommodate a computer-training programme for persons 60 years and over, this summer.

Last Updated: February 24, 2006

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