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CPFSA’s Website Restored – Investigations Underway to Determine Security Risk

By: , February 23, 2021
CPFSA’s Website Restored – Investigations Underway to Determine Security Risk
Photo: Contributed
Child Protection and Family Services Agency

The Full Story

In response to a recently published Gleaner article, regarding the Child Protection and Family Services Agency’s website being compromised; we are confirming that website flaws were detected.

The Agency’s Information Technology Unit (ITU) has launched an investigation into the matter, and the site has since been restored.

The necessary steps are being taken to strengthen security to ensure there is no reoccurrence. We are currently working closely with eGov Jamaica Limited, Transformation and Implementation Unit (TIU), and the Inter-Development Bank (IDB) as we seek to transform the information technology landscape of the agency to improve our services.

Since 2019, the CPFSA has been a beneficiary of the Transformation Implementation Unit’s (TIU) Information Communication Technology (ICT) Expansion Project to improve the Agency’s infrastructure and software. The five-year project is valued at over $US 1.2 million.

The website is managed by CPFSA’s ITU, hosted by Nimbus Technology Solutions Environment.

Last Updated: February 23, 2021

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