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CPFSA Joins NCMC To Celebrate Children

By: , May 6, 2020

The Key Point:

Mrs. Gage Grey said the CPFSA recognises the need to empower children to make wise decisions and to understand when their rights are being abused.
CPFSA Joins NCMC To Celebrate Children
Photo: Mark Bell
Chief Executive Officer of the Child Protection and Family Services Agency, Rosalee Gage=Grey.

The Facts

  • Activities for Child Month 2020 have been modified due to the COVID-19 pandemic. National Children’s Day will be observed on Friday, May 15 and Jamaicans are being encouraged to wear sunshine yellow on the day, whether they are staying at home or going out as an essential service worker.
  • On National Children’s Day, the videos and photographs will be featured on the NCMC Facebook page (@ncmcja), where members of the public will be invited to vote for their favourite up to May 22 at 6:00 p.m.

The Full Story

Chief Executive Officer of the Child Protection and Family Services Agency (CPFSA), Rosalee Gage Grey, says the agency has joined with the National Child Month Committee (NCMC) and other partners to celebrate and educate children, under this year’s Child Month theme, Unplug Negativity, Connect Positivity…Think!

Mrs. Gage Grey was addressing the virtual National Child Month Church service, held on Sunday, May 3, at the Tarrant Baptist Church in Kingston.

“This year’s Child Month theme is quite timely, in light of the current challenges faced with the COVID-19 pandemic; therefore, the new normal is to connect with our family and friends, digitally,” she said.

“While we embrace these life changes, it is important that our children are monitored whilst they use technology to continue their education and socialise,” she added.

Mrs. Gage Grey said the CPFSA recognises the need to empower children to make wise decisions and to understand when their rights are being abused.

“We must remember many predators that can be found everywhere, from street corners in their neighbourhoods, to popular Internet chat rooms,” she pointed out.

“For this Child Month, let us together use this opportunity to reconnect with our children, physically; unplugging from the digital space and participating in other forms of engagements, such as reading and playing old-time games. While we do this, let us ensure that we are educating them about child abuse and how to report it,” Mrs. Gage Grey said.

Activities for Child Month 2020 have been modified due to the COVID-19 pandemic. National Children’s Day will be observed on Friday, May 15 and Jamaicans are being encouraged to wear sunshine yellow on the day, whether they are staying at home or going out as an essential service worker.

Leading up to Children’s Day, young people, aged six to 17, will have an opportunity to share videos or photographs showcasing their talent in song, poetry, or visual art under the Child Month theme. The creative pieces should be submitted via email to ncmcja@gmail.com by Friday, May 8.

On National Children’s Day, the videos and photographs will be featured on the NCMC Facebook page (@ncmcja), where members of the public will be invited to vote for their favourite up to May 22 at 6:00 p.m.

The entry with the most likes will be declared winner of the popular vote.

The month of activities will culminate with a National Day of Prayer on Wednesday, May 27 at the Mandeville Seventh-day Adventist Church in Manchester. Church administrators islandwide are being asked to invite their members to offer special prayers for the nation’s children on the day.

Lead sponsors for Child Month 2020 are GraceKennedy Limited, National Baking Company Foundation and VM Foundation.

Last Updated: May 6, 2020

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