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Child Diversion Act to be Operationalised Soon

By: , May 22, 2019

The Key Point:

The Ministry of Justice is now in the process of implementing the administrative infrastructure so that the Child Diversion Act can be operationalised within a couple of weeks.
Child Diversion Act to be Operationalised Soon
Photo: Mark Bell
Minister of Justice, the Hon. Delroy Chuck, during his contribution to the 2019/20 Sectoral Debate, in the House of Representatives, on May 21

The Facts

  • This was disclosed by Portfolio Minister, Hon. Delroy Chuck, during his contribution to the 2019/20 Sectoral Debate, in the House of Representatives, on May 21.
  • The Child Diversion Act 2018 was enacted so that children can be diverted from the formal justice system, instead of being treated as criminals.

The Full Story

The Ministry of Justice is now in the process of implementing the administrative infrastructure so that the Child Diversion Act can be operationalised within a couple of weeks.

This was disclosed by Portfolio Minister, Hon. Delroy Chuck, during his contribution to the 2019/20 Sectoral Debate, in the House of Representatives, on May 21.

The Child Diversion Act 2018 was enacted so that children can be diverted from the formal justice system, instead of being treated as criminals.

“Children are brought into this world as blank slates, and it is our impressions upon them that determine the way in which they will operate in society,” Mr. Chuck said.

“The Ministry of Justice is ensuring that when children are charged or find themselves committing minor offences, they are not pulled before the court at the first opportunity, but they are taken to the child diversion officer and, hopefully, we can find a way to assist those children to go on the straight and narrow path,” he added.

Over the next 10 months, the Ministry will be rolling out the programme in all 14 parishes.

Last Updated: May 22, 2019

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